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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi. My name is Scott Terrill and I am an actor, singer and dancer. Well if truth be told, I'm actually not a singer or dancer, but I am an actor. Below are a few shots of me at work along with my latest SHOWREEL. Click IMDb to view my actor profile. Production stills and other headshots can be viewed in my pics folder.

ACTING DEMO REEL.CLICK HERE to view 3 minute demoreelCLICK HERE to view clips from short film 'Soundtrack for life'

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I once wrote a letter to Fred Astaire, but he died before I had a chance to post it. I also have the autographs of Ida Lupino, Claudette Colbert, Rex Harrison and Lauren Bacall. All of whom I have met. As you may have guessed, I'm a bit of a fan of the golden years of Hollywood. Oh, I also think Magnum P.I. was the greatest TV show ever!....................................................... .....................

My Blog

I once met the future King of England

I once met the future King of England. It was in Fiji sometime in 1972. I was three years old and playing with my brother by a swimming pool when a young fellow jumped in for a quick dip. Mum said I s...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 23:39:00 GMT