Amo la comida Japonesa! toda! Sushi, tempura, gyosas, Sopa miso! Love it all!!! Me encanta todos los ambientes y todo tipo de gente! y pues no me cuadran las mentalidades cerradas... pero bueno, aya cada quien... Yo personalmente me adapto a TODO tipo de gente y ambientes (asi literal!)Music is my Life! Actually now I found a huge passion for screaming and singing. It kix ass its my best form of therapy. I study psychology, its crazy...jeje. I'm a responsible person within my irresponsibility. jajaja. I like people who can adapt to all kind of situations and environments. I dont like to fail a promise therefore I like people who respect and follow this. I love going out to party as much as I love chillin doing nothing, In the end you always do something. I cherish and love every minute of time i have alone. I love to cook, I mean it!!! I AM SCARED OF FROGS-TOADS!!!! Going back to music... I love music, listening to it and making some of my own...I love just about all kinds of music, but mostly Electronica, HipHop, Death Metal, metal, screamo, hardcore, punk, Psytrance,Drum and Bass, euro rock, post hardcore, 70s, 80s and 90s Oldies...any other music styles are cool if I think they are cool...I'm a huge fan of Justin TImberlake and Michael Jackson. Monotony, repetition, replaying, sticking to a routine kind of life are things I HATE thats why I seem to constantly be changing something in my life...I think Its quite impossible and incorrect to try and change people so I just try to change myself.I like to write stuff... anything really.I am one who thinks details and those little somethings you can or can not do for someone really matter and mean a lot, es muy nice!I HATE COMPUTERS AND TECHNoLOGY!!! y aun asi uso la compu mucho...pero como lo odio! Digamos...que video juegos me gustan los de Tetris y Pacman, Mario Bros y asi...entretenidas.. Bueno RockBand si es un chuzo! heheMy me friends are like family, and those who know me well know that they can count on me for anything. I have never been in a fight with someone, I think I would like to someday just to know what it feels like Id probably get my ass kicked though.Milk Shakes kick ass! Doritos kick ass! Apple juice kicks ass! Cherry Coke kicks ass! Olives kick ass! Mushrooms kick ass! Mustard kicks ass! Pizza kicks ass! Beer kicks ass! Cheese kicks ass! Fruit Role Ups kick ass! Nerds kick ass! Cheesecake kicks ass! All kinds of Italian food kick ass! Double Stuff Oreo Cookies kick so much ass!!! I dont like Bubble gum!
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