DJ Alexandar - i:FACE Agency profile picture

DJ Alexandar - i:FACE Agency

About Me

DJ ALEXANDAR | progressive house

Rodjen je i odrastao u glavnom gradu Srbije, Beogradu. Detinjstvo je proveo okruzen ljudima kojima je muzika bilo zivotno opredeljenje i muzikom koja je postepeno ulazila u njegov zivot. Sa zavrsenom osnovnom i srednjom muzickom skolom (gitara, koja mu je bila ‘prva’ ljubav) stekao je osnovno teoretsko znanje, iskustvo i dobar sluh. Dok je odrastao slusao je klasicnu muziku i bendove kao sto su Depeche Mode, Simply Red, Brian Eno, Leftfield, Mono i ostale u kojima se cuo pocetak elektronske muzike. Upravo ta mesavina gitara i elektronike dovela su ga tu gde je danas.

Nakon vise godina slusanja i upijanja svetske Dance scene najvise uticaja na njega ostavili su Sasha, Deep Dish, John Digweed i Hernan Cattaneo. 2003 godine prvi put je izrazio zelju i oprobao se u DJ-ingu.

Nekoliko godina kasnije postaje clan Kinetic Vibe-a da bi danas, dve godine kasnije, na muzicku scenu nastupao sam, pod imenom ‘Alexandar’. U svojoj karijeri radio je sa imenima kao sto su Jerome Isma-Ae, Silicone Soul, Federico Epis, Snake Sedrick, James Benitez, Ladytron … Radio je u vecini klubova u Beogradu ( EXPO XXI, SKC, Barutana, Plastic … ), Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Makedoniji i Hrvatskoj. Njegovi mixevi nasli su se kao gostujuci mixevi u emisijama na Frisky Radio, Proton Radio, PureFM. Alexandar u svoje setove ulaze dosta svoje energije, ideje i u stalnom kontaktu sa publikom gradi dinamicne setove koji teraju na pokretanje.

Krajem 2007. godine ucestvovao je na “TECHNOLOGY – The best DJ annual awards” gde je proglasen za trece plasiranog DJa.

Trenutno se bavi produkcijom i ima emisiju na Tribal Mixes Radiju gde je do sada ugostio nekoliko domacih i svetskih DJeva kao sto su Federico Epis, Jason Jollins, Nick Varon, Rodrigo Espinoza, Victoria R, DJ Paul, A.P., Danijel Savic, Okmanow …

He was born and raised in the capital city of Serbia, Belgrade. He spent his childhood surrounded by people whose lives where dedicated to music, which was gradually introduced into his life as well. Having finished his primary and secondary music school ( the guitar being his “first love” ), he acquired the basic theoretical knowledge, experience and an acoustic ear. While growing up, he listened to classical music as well as bands such as Depeche Mode, Simply Red, Brian Eno, Leftfield, Mono and many other bands in which you could suspect the beginning of electronic music. This same combination of electronic music and the guitar is responsible for the work he does today.

After many years of listening and absorbing the world Dance scene, Sasha, Deep Dish, John Digweed and Hernan Cattaneo have left the deepest impression on him. In 2003, for the first time he expressed his wish and tried himself out as a DJ.

A few years later he becomes a member of Kinetic Vibe. Today, 2 years later, he performs alone on the music scene, under the name ‘'Alexandar''. In his career he had worked with names such as Silicone Soul, Federico Epis, Snake Sedrick, James Benitez, Ladytron, Jerome Isma-Ae ... He worked in most of the clubs in Belgrade ( EXPO XXI, SKC, Barutana, Plastic….), Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia. His mixes were the guest mixes in shows on Frisky Radio, Proton Radio and Pure FM. In his sets, Alexandar invests most of his energy, ideas and in his constant contact with the audience, he creates dynamic sets which tend to move them. By the end of 2007 he took a part of the national DJ competition and won the third place in “TECHNOLOGY – The best DJ annual awards”.

Currently he works in production and has his own show on Tribal Mixes Radio, where he has hosted many local and international DJs, such as Fedrico Epis, Jason Jollins, Nick Varon, Rodrigo Espinoza, Victoria R, DJ Paul, A.P, Danijel Savic, Okmanow, etc.

Click on image to download mix.

Upcoming Shows

31 | TBC | Belgrade, Serbia
15 | Andergraund (VIP Room) | Belgrade
22 | CITY SCAPE 01 | Mamolo, Belgrade
29 | TBC | Krushevac, Serbia
Monthly Charts

01 | Butch - about this time
02 | Chrono - The Street
03 | petersky-kurs_zjazdowy
04 | Joel Armstrong - El Squelcho (Kris B v Nosmo Mix)
05 | Blue Room Project-Velo City (Fletch Remix)
06 | momu-window_(jason_knight_remix)
07 | Astrid Suryanto - Distant Bar (Gutterstylz Remix)
08 | Anthony Ross - Mistakes Aren't Forgotten
09 | dave rosario - seperate (dub mix)
10 | Nemus & Nakoch - Zlom
Booking Details

Jovicic Alexandar
+381 64 5377 678
[email protected]
i:FACE Agency
[email protected]
Mauro Busti
+011 15 6712 7413
[email protected]
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Member Since: 7/4/2007
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None