History of art, film, poetry, culture hip-hop, fashion, music, book, football'
"dobrze widzi sie tylko sercem,najpiekniejsze jest niewidoczne dla oczu"
Rap soul and smooth jazz ^^
"Amelia" "Babel" "Frida" "Broken flowers" "Forrest Gump" "Memoirs of a Geisha" "Butterlfly Effect" "Miedzy slowami"
"Maly Ksiaze" "Swiat Zoffi" "Paw Krolowej" "Harry Potter" "Jednym zakleciem" "Potega podswiadomosci" "Mistrz i Malgorzata"
My mum and dad... i Jan Pawel Drugi.Guru's Jazzmatazz ft. Common & Bob James - State of Clarity
..Zion I & The Grouch Ft. Mistah FAB - "Hit Em"
..Dont Sweat The Technique - Eric B. Rakim
..It Takes Two - Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock