Poets, writers, childrens books authors, novelists, editors, publishers, big and small, all interested in Chicano Latin@ literature, poetry, writing, performance, playwrighting, songwriting, musicians that love to work with poets and writers, as well as visual artists and in film and video -- positive, harmony, para el bien de todos, for the good of all, I can also field some questions you may have on your manuscript from time to time, I advise various publishers and have been doing this all my life, not as a career but as a soulful and natural way to live, write and speak for the good all - I'd like to meet others who have networks so that we can let people know what we are doing, to let teachers, migrant education programs, the people at large, youth, all know, what art & literary & performance people & work is available for their personal and collective growth, all colors, all positive, reflective perspectives, all places - in particular too, I'd like to connect with all those with interests in multicultural, & new forms of literary and artistic expression, with writers at an international level, at an immediate level, I'd like to get together with people to help me promote my new book: 187 REASONS MEXICANOS CAN'T CROSS THE BORDER / City Lights, coming out in November - check out 187express.com, I am also interested in meeting peoples who are exploring Buddhist perspectives & life-styles, at a personal & community level - gracias.