First thing I should say is that i'm married. I have gotten a couple of invites from women you failed to look at my stats. It's flattering, but I can get myself in trouble with my wife all on my own, thank you. I don't like mimes for one thing. I have nothing against their art I just think that they are secretly plotting against us. (If you think about it it's the perfect cover.) I don't belive in God, but then again i don't belive out him either. (Word play is fun, ha ha.) I am agnostic witch means that i'm not a big fan of faith. I anlyis my beliefs the same way I anlyis investment. I think a person should take thier beliefs seriously, and protect them from scams even commonly accetped ones. Beliefs can be danerous so don't let your's be a two edged sword.
I am a soldier currently serving in Germany. My wife is a German native. We meet five days before my first deployment to Iraq, and we married as soon as i got back. Not the most romantic story i know, but it's been working for us so far.
right now i work in traffic managment for the Army, but I may soon be changing to broad cast jornalism. (Fingers crossed.)
wouldn't you like to know.