Mädchenzimmer weiß: there are no bitches like show-bitches. Sie planen und verwerfen täglich ihre Revolution. Sie hassen und lieben den Glamour. Sie essen Kunst und tanzen wild. Sie beliefern die Welt mit Traum-Treibstoff. Mädchenzimmer ist feminin und zugleich feministisch. Get inspired!
Mädchenzimmer is stylophone Art-Pop The three ladies represent art-clubbing, electroclashy weird-world-music or honky funky punky… and they never show up alone! Art-Pop has no limits! So they create beats, words, coulours and stagings until the discoball vibrates. A music-event of the forth kind and the third sex awaits the danceaddicted earthling.
Mädchenzimmer knows: there are no bitches like show bitches. Their everyday work is planning the revolution until further notice. They love and hate glamour. They feed on art and dance wildly. They deliver dream-fuel worldwide. Mädchenzimmer is feminin and feministic at the same time. Get inspired!
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