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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hey! How are you? I hope you're good. I'll write something about me here, so you're able to get to know me better. my name is Fabian and I'm from Germany and I'm currently 19 years old. I like doing a lot of sports and to hanging around with my friends. =) And I like to go shopping, because I'm absolutely into fashion. If you wanna know me, add me or write me a message.i love my baby auch wenn wir nicht mehr zusammen sindjust remember,Love means never having to say you..re sorry!Liebe heißt niemals um verzeihung bitten zumüssen.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Robert de Niro, Brad Pitt, Edwart Norten, Al Pacino, Tyra Banks and Gabriel Aubrey Best Models eva :) , Marcus Schenkenberg, Alex Lundkuist, Brad Kroenig, David Gandy, Nico Schwanz and much more ;)

My Blog

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