|2u|| profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Holla Front Ya'll! The name is Henry Rull Jr. I'm a student currently at Diablo Valley College. I'm a pretty mellow guy, just chillin. Basically I'm at school. If not, im with my girlfriend. Speaking about Girlfriend, The Oh So Lucky One is Ashley Marie Silcott-Lucas. My most fave chick in my life atm. I really love this girl. Props to her and her Best friend Hules. Shouts to all my buddies and bakla boi's! Bakla Boi's fo sho; Robert, David, Foti, Brandon, Derek, Kyle, Bryan, Shaun, Paul, Seandoodle, Mario, Eric, Wade, and S-wong! To everyone else I am forgetting i wish to acknowledge you guys/gals as well.

My Interests

SHWEE, BAKLA BOI'S, Sports, Games, Education.... (Kinda, Only the Interesting Things....)


Rap & Punk Mostly.... (But I Listen to Basically Anything.)


Not a Movie Fanatic.... (However I Like Watching Em.... )


Whatever..... dont watch T.V. much.


Harry Potter Series, LoTR Series were probably the only books I actually "read." Otherwise I would just skim books.

My Blog

R. I. P. Sam

Samantha..... You were good to me all through the years we were with each other, but it's time for me to move on. There is someone else in my life now. I will never forget what we've gone t...
Posted by |2u|| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

R. I. P.

To my Beloved Uncle Totoy.... I Just Wanted to Thank You for Everything You've Done For Me, I Love You.R.I.P. Santos Vallo Rull JuniorAugust 1, 1952 to October 15, 2004...
Posted by |2u|| on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST