aAchieving every goal with as little effort exerted as possible. I call it effecincey... not lazziness----------------------------
I want a girl with extensions in her hair, bamboo earrings (at least two pair).A Fendi bag and a bad attitude... that's all i need to put me in a good mood" Oh. She could also walk with a switch and talk with street slang...Really though, I'd like to meet all kinds of people... those with similar views and taste and also those with complete opposite opinions. I guess i usually learn more from people who are polar oppsites of me.So give me a holla if you hate my interest and taste.Also i'd like to meet the person who created those annoying smiley face ads on myspace that scream "hello!" when you scroll over them, so i could punch him/her/them in the face... damn i hate that sound.
I LOVE HIP HOP.Dilated Peoples, Tribe Called Quest, Common, Loot Pack, Jay Dee (Slum Village),MF Doom, Alkaholiks(X.O. Experience sucked), Quasimoto (Mad LIbs ILL!), The Roots crew, L.A. Symphony, Blackalicious, Defari, Phil Tha Agony, Styles of Beyond, Visionaries, J5, PlanetAsia ,El-P and pretty much anything that you'd lump ito the same catagory of this kinda indie/underground hip-hop. Also pretty much anything produced by Danger Mouse(Danger Doom, Gnarls Barkely, The Gorrilaz, etc), 9th Wonder, The Alchemist, and Joey Chavez aka Venice Joe... but when it's time to do my signature move (as Jessica refers to it) i'm always feeling the Neptunes and Timbaland tracks.And when i feel like making babies (or at least practicing) i love soul music. Some of my favorites are Jazzyfatnastees, Amel Larrieux, Jill Scott, D'Angelo, Musiq, Maxwell,Eryka Badu, Les Nubians (even though i have no idea what they're singing about), and you gotta love Alicia Keys.Like the John Legend CD and Corinne Bailey Rae seems promising though i have'nt heard the whole album. ======So my musical tatse is vast so i'm gonna finish here with some of my favorite bands:Liars, Cursive, B.R.M.C, Bright Eyes, The Strokes (is not cool to still like them? guess i'm lame), Clinic, Death Cab For Cutie/Postal Service, Adult, CatoSalsaExperience, The Make Up, Moving Units, N*E*R*D, The Mooney Suzuki,Interpol, Spoon, Weezer, Breakastra, Le Tigre, The Rapture, Ozma,Hot Hot Heat,Glass Candyand the Shattered Theatre, At The Drive In(Mars Volta & Sparta), French Kicks, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Ladytron, Detatchment Kit, The (I).N.C., Dreams Go Disco (support silencio records) etc...BUT the BEST band ever has to be Kajagoogoo.And best volcalist would definately go to Eddie Murphy (is there a song ever created that tops "Party All The Time"...I think not.
Crash, Maria Full Of Grace, City Of God,Fahrenheit 9/11, the Spiderman movies even though i passionately despise Kirstin Dunst, Punch Drunk Love, Belly (only cause the cinamatograhy is beautiful... movie sucks though), Scarface (and not just because every rapper on cribs thinks it's is the best movie ever and has a huge poster in their house of Al Pacchino), El Mariachi, Desporado, 28 Days Later, NightmareB4 X-Mas, Fight Club, Se7en, Training Day (Maaan Up!), Bowling For Colombine, Lost In Beaver Creek (as seen on Cinamax after 11). I really liked the Sin City movie because i was a comic book geek earlier in life and the movie was true to the comic. The new Batman Begins movie was cool too (glad it's not so fruity colored as the last few).
I've become addicted to 24. L=sst season was great but why did they have to kill off Aisha Tyler the previous season. The Boondocks on adult swim is definately one of my favorites right now... it's submersed in social and political commentary and has great animation.Pretty much everything on the Food Network especially Iron Chef ( I'm not sure if i like the new Iron Chef America though) The Simpsons ...it's really past it's prime though.Curb Your Enthusiasum,CNN (headline news) before i go to bed every night,Real Time w/ Bill Maher,Horse Power TV,Car And Driver, Oprah while i'm trying to look busy at work (they really need cable there, Weeds and Dexter on showtime which manages to give me creeps every episode.
Curently reading "America" from the wrters of the Daily Show... it's a history of the US that some how manages to provide no real information but is pretty funny."Dude, Where's My Country?", Michael Moore;"Guerrilla Warfare", Che Guevara: "The Jungle",Upton Sinclair; ", Looking For The Perfect Beat", K.B. Reighley; ", Five Minutes to Orgasm Every Time You Make Love," Almost anything written by Al Franken.