DLION profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

so u guys wanna know about me. well i think their just too many things to say about me to fit in myspace or i will just bore u with rubbish that u would probably Not believe. well i like to draw, play games, play sport u know all that same stuff people put in their "ABOUT ME" box. can u really like "REALLY" know someone by reading their about me...yea i would probably use the cliche " Holla at me if u wanna know" but nah aint my style...i bet u once u read this u would wanna want to know me even more..cause i talk alot, not the type whos annoying someone intellectual and driven.Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests

I'm interested in the systematics of games and culinary skills. I'll admit that I'm a geek, but a combination of good looks and charm plus culinary knowledge... CHEEEAAAA!!!

I'd like to meet:

I will probably meet alot of people during the time I'm alive, but I'm not gonna expect anything, let it be a surprise. Its more fun that way... heck I already met the one. PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile


I like a wide variety of ALL kinds of music. Anything from classical to rap, I can appreciate it all.


I don't have specific preferences when it comes to movies. I watch all kinds, even chick flicks and especially MARVEL movies.


I'm addicted to TV. I'm sure that most of my brain cells are fried from all the TV I watch, but oh well.


I like to read to kill time.


STAN LEE, A HERO TO SOME OF US ALL, HAHA I GOT A CHANCE TO MEET HIM BOOOYAHH!!!!But on the real, my parents and my twin sister My parents for never ever giving up on the tough life in order to give their kids a good life. And my sister, for always being there for me; to knock my head back into place when I do stupid stuff. And of course God for His divine help in my darkest hour.

My Blog


Just wanted to say, THANK YOU to all the people that left me a comment and send me text all last night. i really appriciate it. I also wanted to thanks my boys for getting me FUUUUUUDD'UUPP throwing u...
Posted by DLION on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:56:00 PST


Just wanted to say, THANK YOU to all the people that left me a comment and send me text all last night. i really appriciate it. I also wanted to thanks my boys for getting me FUUUUUUDD'UUPP throwing u...
Posted by DLION on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:56:00 PST

Another Beans Artwork in My Body

well ive been thinkin and it seems like my tat is missin something. so i decided to get my last and final one, im just gettin two. and this time, like my other as meaning. it would be my family's firs...
Posted by DLION on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Sleepless Nights pt.1

i am tired, in fact i am exhausted and yet i cant seem to sleep. Why, why cant i? is it because im used to sleeping late at night or maybe because i dont want to. your imagination and sleepless memori...
Posted by DLION on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Drama, sooo much drama, i kno drama is a part of life, but should drama be all around us, constanly. I feel like im in this shiit whole that doesnt seem to get out off. not that I alone have drama, pe...
Posted by DLION on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

July 4th Fireworks

My first time seein fireworks in the downtown san jo, area and it was pretty cool. the loud and very colorful fireworks lite up the dark cool nights, while very patriotic song was playin, it was reall...
Posted by DLION on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A very funny story, well sort of

alright today, my boys came and chill at MI CASA, we chilled in the pool, it was only 5 feet, but it was ok, we had fun, man the goggles is hilarious, after that we spinned at the turntable, WERE IMPR...
Posted by DLION on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


DAMMIT!! next week is my final i have hella stuff to do especially for my 3D ANIMATION class and my STORYBOARDING class heres the sample for my work in my 3D ANIMATION. i have to animate them and make...
Posted by DLION on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

To all my boys and Chuta Ladies..ITS THE VIDEO

Alright i review the video, and man ITS HELLA FUNNY, thats it everytime we go out, im gonna take the video with me, cause man we do some crazy shiet, like the BANGKOK, or the SPIT IN THE CROTCH, or LI...
Posted by DLION on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Im Your Friend but dont fakin Use Me!!

Yea i always been a good friend, im always thier when im needed but lately, im always wanted for the wrong fuckin reason. i havent heard from you for a long ass time then you askin for a ride cause of...
Posted by DLION on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST