“Hahaha! You’re surprised no-body needs a renascence-man these days? Is this the fukin’ renascence? Noh- we’re all just components…but you sir, are a Philosopher- a scholar n'a gentle-man...what are you do’n here?..besides making me a gin n’tonic??†-random punter
As for little'ol me...in 2d...Contemporary-savage...po-mo concept-farmer... Art-teacher/tutor, compulsive-writer, Comic-blogger and now over-joyed Gallery Attendant at the National Gallery of Victoria.. I never claimed the title of 'artist', I just always was. And in the way only Australians can truly master; when family friends would drop-by in my childhood and peek into my room, or see the fridge or catch me in the act- pencil clenched in my little fist, they'd sarcastically ask, "So, who's the ARTIST then?" looking over my shoulder at first I figured that word meant me, and my need to continuously draw things. It's a hard title to claim, if you feel you have to...if such a thing is earned, inherent or just climbs up onto your shoulder blades one day is anyone's guess...but that's-whats I am....and I write (besides other things including street-art) comics mostly..which i will soon upload all of! but in meantime, the main comic work of my life is HERE on my Blog (I published a year of my life in daily/diary/comic/collage/blog-format, called "Everyday-Kriya" which ran from April 2006-April 2007 and was a hell of a thing-still up if you're at all interested just dig through the archives...) or visit my painting/main gallery on Deviant-Art!! (love those guys...) ...other Networks and profiles of mine are: FaceBook!? and Talent DataBase.. -because my old homepage is down at the moment...