I am a Bohemian, both in blood (thanks to my Pop) and spirit (thanks to my hippie Mama). I love to sing, and some people love to hear me sing which is how I often make my living.
I am on a quest to be truly myself. It is a journey which has brought me East. It was rocky at first, but my spirit is stronger and my skin is tougher.
At one point in my life I found my time full of distractions, anxieties and obligations that kept me from my true purpose: to create and live for art, to be true to myself and others, to make the world a better place, and to make my biggest dreams come true. Life is too short to do anything else.
The list I came up with as a Californian was this: open-minded, friendly, present, strong, eccentric, eclectic, unique, funny, quirky, fun, free spirited
Since my re-location to the East Coast, I would add smart, talented, professional, no-nonsense, inspiring and intense to my list of attributes
And no matter what coast you're on, I think it's still true that I'm a "(fairly) tall drink of water" (thanks to Karen for that one!) and "poetry in motion" (thank you, Patrick!)
New York
San Francisco
Quezon City
Click Here to request GOH NAKAMURA come to NYC!!
Goh Nakamura CD Release Next Wednesday at Du Nord
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