football , hang out with friends, hockey , chatting , cartoon , surfing internet , adventure , my family , futsal , friends , all think about anime , religion , music , video games , and youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......ahakss
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bebudak smkpi, UNITEN, New FrEns , And aNyMoRe..join me [email protected]
universal !!! layan kan sudah...huhuhu
AcTuALLy To MucH MoViE i LiKe So I JUsT tELL Da GeNre OnLy AiGhT : AdVeNtUre , HoRrOr , AcTiOn , CoMedY , And RoManCe !!!!
aStRo !!! WiNk! wInK!
MaGAZiNe AnD CoMiCs OnLy !!!
my family and sometimes NaRuTo , SaKuRaGi HaNAmIChI , CoNaN , KiNdAiChI , OnIzUkA.... AniMe RuLeZ hahahaa