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About Me

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic cords of memory will swell when again touched as surely they will be by the better angels of our nature."
- Abraham Lincoln
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of maral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than is own personal safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better man than him self."
--John Stuart Mill
I’m not sure how to describe myself; and I rather think, to try to do so is a difficult undertaking. Plus no matter what I say I’m going sound kind of conceited or self absorbed. I’m only semi-conceited/self absorbed for that matter, furthermore, it depends on the contents and reasons that you are describing me, so I can fit that description, but let's no too complicated... at least not yet; I'll start with the basics. I’m young adult and a full time blue collar worker. I work in the aircraft business, cleaning aircraft and doing other small jobs on them, kind of like a aircraft janitor.
I graduated high school about a year ago and high school sucked. But more than anything I’m indifferent to school because some days it sucked and others it was great; my advice is stick with it.
I lived in Texas most of my life; growing up in the country side with dogs and BB-guns is the only way for a boy to grow up -and be normal- (at least in my opinion).By the way, people who talk smack about Texas don’t no jack squat about it and are only repeating what they hear from people who are dumber than they are. In Texas I was grew-up with the best people in this country. Family is also very important, it's the only thing that lasts forever, in the movie Wyatt Earp, Kevin Costner says, "Family is forever everybody else is just strangers," I tend to agree with that statement. (Big shout out to mi familia and the people that I knew for the time I was there, God bless you.) For the most part I lived in the country of South Texas but then moved to Mac-town for the remainder the last couple of years of middle school.
In the summer of 2003, my family and I made the long move to T-town, Arizona, where I live for four years and completed high school. When I lived there, I went to two high schools, -if you think that is a lot, in Texas, I switched schools about seven times-. Amphi was the first, and then we moved from one side of town to the other, I had to switch to Santa Rita. Where I finished high school, I was both a wrestler and a journalist for the time I was there. Those two experiences were the best part of that four year hell.
Right now, I live in North Dakota. For six months out of the year it cold here. Really cold; kill you cold. Winter, in the worst months hit -40 degrees. Your eye brows and eyelashes can freeze over frost bite is a reality (if you’re an idiot). I like it here since living here I have become really outdoorsy and way more self reliant. I love to fish and shoot and I can that almost any day of the week. I do things now and have responsibilities that I never dreamed of, well actually I thought I would not encounter them till later in life. But now that they are here I am rising up to them head on.
Now we can get complicated, I’m a nice guy, most people think so at least; but what people don’t know is that I’m tend to be passive aggressive. Plus when I take care of myself and work out I get really aggressive, it is probably has to do with the fact that I’m not be able to eat and enjoy my life to its fullest; because I’m to busy eating right and running.
I like all kinds of music as my list will tell you my profile back ground should too. Mozart is amazing, the first real rock star in my opinion. I’m also somewhat artistic, I love to act and do improve games; but when it comes to art; public speaking and writing are my favorites. I have also started to read a lot more. Books to my surprise can actually be entertaining sometimes.
If you haven’t read one of blogs you would be surprised to know that I am very politically driven. I’m overtly conservative; which is weird because most kids my age are bleeding heart hippie-dippy fag liberals. So naturally I love to argue about anything, as long as no one gets personal and the people, with whom I’m debating, know what they are talking about and not just talking smack. To me there nothing more annoying than some one who has no concept of what they are talking about just empty rhetoric. I wish I knew what people thought of me so they could write this for me, it would be much easier. I love to having things and giving things, for that matter.
I’m a film and TV enthusiast. I have so many cable channels and probably watch about one or two movies every week. There is so much you can take away from a good movie kind of like a good book there is so much you can pick up on if you just pay attention. Tv on the other hand I’m really picky about. I only watch certain shows. -As my TV list would tell you- what it doesn't say is that I hate reality TV. Who ever made reality TV up should really be killed for punishing America for so long with terrible TV.
I enjoy helping people a great deal, I don’t mind people calling me with there troubles. Even though it can get annoying, you listen to people; then tell them what you think and then they just blow it off. Sometimes, I think, the only reason people talk is so they can listen to you and then decide that there plan is better. It’s like people only take advice to decide that there was is better. And that is so stupid.
I’m also a Christian, and have been my whole life. It’s strange though people have this real backward impression of modern Christianity (thanks left wing progressive media and Rosie O’Donnell.) Were normal people we exist among you and walk in day light; I swear sometimes were mistaken for over optimistic do-gooder vampires.
People ask me what I want to do when I get older I’m not sure yet I know I want to go to college, but just not yet. I work in a college town and have worked several jobs when I’m in constant contact with college students. There is no group of people who are more whinny or more melodramatic than college students, they think they are such special mature people. They walk around like they have it so hard. Get over yourselves; when you’re in college you are of no value to society what so ever. Your just learning and sucking up tax dollars, take the hint you have it easy.
I Have finnally, after months of hard work have lost 80 pounds, realized a great dream. On the day the that 53% of this nation's population (retarded people) elected there first solicalist president; I swore into the United States Navy. I will protect this nation and its constitution and pay back the debt I owe this wonderful country. Semper Fortis!
Im also hispanic and this viedo pretty much sums up what i do with my free time.
I just wanted to tell you
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My Blog

Yeah, You!

Its almost time. In one week I will no longer be a civilian, but a member of the US Navy, Im very excited. This is the realization of dream and the out come of alot of hard work. Im not nervous, I ...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 18:22:00 GMT

Real Journalism Now

 Congratulations your messiah was elected to the presidency of the United States  But for every ones screaming and yelling for this man to be elected where are you now? Since his election to his inaug...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 19:58:00 GMT

The Reality of a Dream

On Tuesday, November, 4th 2008, I Elias Joseph Gomez joined the United States Navy as a Corpsman. This is the proudest day of my young adult life and the accumulation of a dream towards which I have s...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 20:33:00 GMT

WOw This Is Exactly What I Have Been Trying To Tell All Of You

This is not my wriiten work. I got it from a bulletin but thought it was way too important to not make a big deal about it. Once again this is not my work! Its some educational information that everyo...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 13:58:00 GMT

You are the Scourge of the Earth

Election Day is one week from yesterday so in six days you have the right to vote. But if you don't know the issues and it you don't know the facts, DON'T VOTE. You have no business voting what so eve...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 00:10:00 GMT

My Sunshine

We all know the song You Are My Sunshine, whether it was sung to us by our mother sitting next to us on the corner of our bed or by someone else very near and dear to us. What makes that song so speci...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 01:10:00 GMT

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. (Cant We do Any Better)

  First of all, why does anybody think its a good idea to vote for Barrack Obama? Someone please explain to me why voting for a populous neo-socialist is a viable option for the American people?...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 00:54:00 GMT

Great Success

  Here is quick up date on my life. Things are going great this is probably my most successful summer to date. With hard work and good eating habits I now weight 200 pounds that means in total ov...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 21:59:00 GMT

Best High School Moment

I really like the show Scrubs and one in one of the episodes each character thinks of there greatest moment in medicine and each moment is either dumb or juvenile and has really no definitive impact o...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 20:24:00 GMT

A Beast

  Ladies and gentleman that's what I'm declaring myself; I am a beast! I mean I just so damned pleased with myself right now that it's not even funny and I will tell you why. Since the middle of ...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 19:55:00 GMT