ika profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I cant really describe who I am..not because I don't know myself..but because I do...I am "undescribable" ...and I blame it 100% from my moodiness..I am very moody..I am happy one minute..and I'll be a total bitch the next..I am eighteen..but I still act, like my sister said, somebody that is YOUNGER than she is (she's 16).. *buahhh..I have a boyfriend..that I loooveeeee very much...i live alone in my own apartment in College Station..I loveee living alone..had a TERRIBLE roomate my freshmen year..I am going to be a junior this summer at Texas A&M..I am majoring in Industrial Engineering..I loveee to eat..that's why I love having my parents live in Houston..I can come over the weekends and just drive to all the different chinese restaurant down in bellaire..go to todai for really nice japanese food..go to wolfie's for some reallyy great boiled crawfishh..mann..i love food..and i loveeeeeee my momma's cooking...ohyeah..one thing to note..i am an indonesiann..i moved to the states when i was a sophomore..people said that i have a weird laugh..one that you can hear 100 yards away and still recognize that it's me laughing my butt off..i am a slacker..totally a procrastinator..i have a horrible temper..you dont want to piss me off..or...humm..let's just keep it at that..you dont want to piss me off! and and..despite all of the bad side of me..i think i really am quite decent..my bestfriends said i'm pretty loyal...so yeahh..try me! muachh..

My Interests

myspace!! Toto!! BOKER!!!FOOD!!!and lastly...NGUPIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

people from wherever...i'd reallly loveeeeeeeeeeee to meet some the old friends from indo and s'pore..


I love so many types of music that I really dont think that I have a specific type of music that I like...But here are some of my fave artists..Tori Amos,The Rocket Summer,Beyonce,Britney Spears,Outkast,Usher,Chantal Kreviazuk,The Postal Service, Jet,Damone,the Beatles,the Corrs...blablablablabla so manyyy...


Lord of the rings..all of them...Kill Bill..both volumes..Saving Private Ryan..Troy..Finding Nemo..Shrek...so many moree


ALIAS!! ALIAS!! ALIAS!!! sex and the city!!nba basketball!!Iron Chef!!Law and Order!!Monk!! CSI!!


Harry Potter...Ender Series..The catcher in the rye..really really reallyy great books...read them!!!!!!


Jennifer Garner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Manu Ginobili..heuheuhuehuee...*blush*

My Blog

avril lavigne...

barusan denger album barunya avril lavigne..keren jugaa....^_^...like it like it like itt... how come there's nothing good on tv anymore?? is it b/c the season of alias is over...*hiks* whatttttttttt...
Posted by ika on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

abis makan crawfish...

haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhh...i am feeling alot better now...enggak bete lagihhh...heuheuhue..gila..tadi malem sangking betenya gak bisa tidur...kebangun2 terus..nge check hp..manaaa tau ada yg ngirim s...
Posted by ika on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST