icebLu - j profile picture

icebLu - j

Agent J, At cho Service!

About Me

030308 - I seek understanding and don't find it hard to adapt. guess i get that from moving so much, and growing up around different cultures. I've yet to find anyone who rivals my nomadic life. so to me ALL PEOPLE are very similar, but all have two faces! They come from an individual's past experiences, from life and how/where they were brought up. People like parents and friends and then the environment being their greatest influences. those will generate Altar Egos, Split Personalities, and images to uphold... Which Image they allow ya to see is totally dependent on U and the positive emotional interactions you've shared!!! With that said - Do You know wHo Your ReaL friends Are???..

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My Interests

This Me,Proud Military brat, born in Riverside California and have lived in five different countries. Raised in Asia, Philippines and Japan. Loved Germany to death, and London was awesome. Majority of State life was in Southern Illinois. Still kickinit Hardcore, party all the time while pursuing education, Associates now and Bachelors on the way. The capitol letters in my name spell Josh, and that's what my family and closest friends call me. I've always "chilled" with like four different groups of people, but I've never had it like this before. I got my AZN crew, my wealthy crew, Da BOYZ fo Lyfe, and the business buddies. I like to artistically create and sing for fun. I've even drawn portraits and designed tatoos. My sports are soccer and basketball, but i'm addicted to SNOWBOARDING to da fullest. Play video games till da fingers hurt, PS2 and Cube. I love azn culture, like food, clothes, KUNG FU, lol. I'm also very active, N Many wayz, but i love doin things that stereotypically i look like i wouldn't do. Things like: biking "Up Mountains," and swimming in springs, skiing & snowboarding, rollerbladin, Sanging, Campin, totally jumping off a cliff into blue waters so clear u can see the turtles on ur way down; ya feel me. So holla at me June - Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn.

I'd like to meet:

030308 -..

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ALL ROCK, SOME POP, REAL HIP HOP And R&B! everything else i can tolerate, but this is really me... and i enjoy everything coming out of Rockafella,Good Music,and ForTMinoR! .."playlist=3302293"


5th Element, Aladdin, Swordfish, Lilo&Stitch, ScarFace, FightClub, Troy, Mr&Mrs.Smith, MANonFIRE, Jurassic Park, Romeo Must Die, Mary [email protected] Poppins, Pitch Black, Kunfu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer, U Got Served,Surf Ninjas, The Abyss, The Princess Bride, THE GIRL NEXT DOOR,Fantastic Four, Spiderman I&II, 40days&40nights, XMEN&2&3, Aliens trilogy, Blade I,II,& Trinity, BackTotheFuture I,II,&III, Enemy of the State, The Ring, Chronicles of Riddick, ATLANTIS, Dont BeA Menace..., Coach Carter, Honey, LowDownDirtyShame,VanWilder, Road Trip, EuroTrip, Scary Movie, Willow, Labyrinth, THE MATRIX TRILOGY, The Wizard, Deep Impact, Independance Day, White Chicks, the STARWARS legacy, Remember the Titans, Love and Basketball, theFast and theFurious I&II, The INCREDIBLES, LOTR trilogy, Bad Boys I&II, MIB, SinginIn theRain, TarZan, all Jackie Chan-Bruce & Jet Lee movies


Anime,Comedy,RealityTV,WB,MTV, so basically N E thin from Family Guy to Heroes, that's all i gots to say. Dave Chappelle Show, Family Guy, PimpMyRide, SouthPark,TheDaiLyShow, 106&Park, ComicView, DBZ,Inuyasha, CowboyBebop, Smallville,OneTreeHiLL, Xmen, Spiderman, JackieChanShow, Oprah (because there's no other show mo informative and giving than the Oprah show!!!), and now "Mind of Mencia," cuz it's jus as racially agressive as Chappelle and Peter Griffin!!!




N E ONE N Da Service...Iceman, NightCrawler, Storm, Superman, Bruce Lee, Vin Diesel, Stephen Chow, Spiderman, Human Torch, The Hulk, SPAWN, Blade, Dark Angel, Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, My Dad, Benjamin Franklin, Aaliyah,MegaMan,Bill Clinton, Johnny Knoxville, Brad Pitt, Usher, Goku and Piccolo, the fantastic four, a Jewish Carpenter, Michael Jordan, Shaq Diesel, the ROCK, SunSpot, Brad Pitt, Bryan Singer, Ben Affleck&Matt Damon, the Wayans Family, and all prodigious athletes.