01- Jackindabox - Your Dominatrix (Original Mix)
02- Washing MaJazzz - Wow (Yud Kei Remix)
03- Kidland Feat Mike Suh - Weekender (A.C.K.
& Simon Point Remix)
04- Jackindabox - Shut Down The System (Washing MaJazzz Magic Remix)
05- Ross & Buddy Feat Nat Leonard - Why (Jackindabox Dirty Vocal Mix)
06- Kris Benton - Pulsive (Original Mix)
07- Kid Handsome – Addict (Original Mix)
08- Jackindabox - Feeling Naughty (Original Mix)
09- Insaneman – Kvas (Original Mix)
10- Axium - Dubya (Washing MaJazzz Remix)
DOWNLOAD DJ MIX(all 10 tracks, 62MB)
www. queep. com
www. myspace. com/queep
We’ve heard them for the past few months, the prewash is engaged, the single "Wow" will disembark announcing the album "A Funk Decadance" along with numerous concerts. They live righteously, that is what they do best, they wash & rinse, and this leaves us with great electro/disco/rock beats.
Hervé Gandolfo, Frédéric Faupin, Antoine Cabal and Hedi Dahoui met about 4 years. Hervé & Antoine are originally from Nice, Frédéric is from Toulouse & Hédi hails from Tunisia. At that time all 4 played in various rock & funk bands and a chance encounter at a Monaco gig led to this collaboration we now know as WASHING MAJAZZZ. It took these 4 years of friendship for the idea of the group to properly take shape. Firstly, the trio formed by Hervé, Fred and Toto composed their way thru the summer of 2007 and in September Hédi joined up as a VJ for the 1st WMJ concert.
The beginning of 2008 marked an important milestone with the signing of WASHING MAJAZZZ to brand new Irish Electro label SHABUUM Records, and further collaborations with PHONETIQ, SOUS LES GALLETS LE SON, and PANDA06, 3 of the leading lights on the music scene in PACA, France, who will all be helping to bring the WASHING MAJAZZZ sound to the people, by organising events and promoting the band in general.
WASHING MAJAZZZ have this fantastic ability to synthesize and blend their influences. Their music is tinged heavy rock of PRONG, the crazy funk of SLY & THE FAMILY STONE, the disco of IMAGINATION, and the fusion groove of SUGAR RAY.
Anyone for a spin?
Washing Majazzz is a machine designed to clean music, such as jazz, funk and sheets. The term is mostly applied only to machines that use water as the primary cleaning solution, as opposed to dry cleaning (which uses alternative cleaning fluids, and is generally performed by specialist businesses) or even ultrasonic cleaners.
All washing Majazzz work by using mechanical energy, thermal energy, and chemical action.
Mechanical energy is imparted to the clothes load by the rotation of the agitator in top loaders, or by the tumbling action of the drum in front loaders. Thermal energy is supplied by the temperature of the wash bath.
The first JACKINDABOX single of 2008 is this sweet funky electro house number. A.C.K. & SIMON POINT do their deep German electro house thing & WASHING MAJAZZZ drop a crazy jazzy electro mix, a taste of whats to come from this new French group!
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