Don't you dare feel sorry for me. This'll be you in a few years. Just you wait......
First and foremost
Nadia met the love of her life and is going to get married to a Woman whom
is above gender and rather embrace every angle of me including the gender fuck that is me...
Second matter is I've decided to just flaunt what I've been given which is a
cute body.. I don't fit the clothes my birth assigned..
gender would wear so I wear all my size clothes regardless of the gender it was designed for as I am both....transition starts somewhere :-|
Third I love you and all of the life forms that make up this fine planet...I prefer
auqatic lifeforms to humans btw....
Forth have you protected your human rights lately? Are you trusting your life to a TV news
source? Have you done the research to say you can adquetley defend your civil rights?
Sixth......Study other religions before spitting Christen crap at me.....
Seventh I didn't chose this i was born this way so drop the bullshit If I was given the choice I'd be one gender without thought...
Have questions? Here are some answers...
Don't message me if you couldn't tell your parents you were doing it don't be ashamed of who you are. Because I sure as am not ashamed of who I am and who I prefer. I will tell my mother straight up if she asked if my girlfriend has a penis.(she doesn't) And my Mother would not even care because she wants me to be happy. So guys go tell your mom you dig chicks with dicks and see what she says.....
My AIM Screenname is LilGirlNadia
and my email is [email protected]