Samuel Saint Thomas profile picture

Samuel Saint Thomas

About Me

...hello there traveler..
i hack out my life in a sylvan chinese tea house in the mountains near nyc.. i am a slightly ordinary writer, singer, songwriter, artist and accidental philosopher.. a few years ago i gigged in sleazy bars and meticulously recorded two albums with a cast of stellar players, most of whom are now famous and playing with outfits such as Railroad Earth, Ryan Adams, Bob Dylan and others..
but unfortunately, "Unfortunate Adventures of a Naked Mystic" was dropped at the gate.. the head of the record label lost his mind over some stoner dame with cognitive difficulties, thus my cd was never officially released nor promoted.. so.. depressed to cheap wine and destruction, i turned to academics and writing..
and that's what this myspace page is about, some faint way in a loud world to make public what should have had it's due long ago... i am too proud of the album's songwriting and acoustics to keep it in the grave... besides, the songs are too important to linger in the dark, as they chronicle my journey and escape from the monastic life into the lovely world of sin and danger.. you be the judge... perhaps you'll find it to be the best unheard bunch of painful songs you've never heard...
...wanna know more?.. it's all on my website.. sans the mating ads and sparkling hearts!.. there you'll find sample writings.. a vest pocket bio, my photography.. my music story.. links to my "eat plato" blog and yes.. remnants of my life as a catholic monastic guy in funny brown fashion..
here's to beauty!

My Interests


Member Since: 02/07/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: ...more than you'll ever be able to consume in one sitting about my music peeps can be found on my official website link above.. please visit..
Influences: if being influenced is to be drunk on bob dylan, then i should check in to emo rehab.. i'd rather think that the following people have confirmed my own love and loathing of the monster called human condition...

MUSIC: bob dylan, lucinda williams, neal casal, king sunny ade, edie brickell, ryan adams, the pogues, artic monkeys, manu chao..

PROSE: raymond carver, phillip lopate, jack kerouac, diane di prima, kurt vonnegut, garrison keillor, virginia woolf, thomas e. kennedy, spalding gray..

POETRY: billy collins, allen ginsberg, franz wright, sara bauer, yusef komunyakaa..

PHILOSOPHY: friedrich nietzsche, martin heidegger, alan watts, jean-paul sartre, simone de beauvoir, harry frankfurt, immanuel kant..

Sounds Like: my journey and escape from the monastic life into the lovely world of sin and danger.. buy some and see..

Record Label: eclipso records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


view s.l. bauer's black and white shoot of a writer and musician silent all these years... cut and paste deoid=28384428
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 19:09:00 GMT


READ: EAT PLATO: humorous philosophic musings on love and other dangerous indulgences.. over here at
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 19:04:00 GMT