Member Since: 02/07/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: ...more than you'll ever be able to consume in one sitting about my music peeps can be found on my official website link above.. please visit..
Influences: if being influenced is to be drunk on bob dylan, then i should check in to emo rehab.. i'd rather think that the following people have confirmed my own love and loathing of the monster called human condition...
MUSIC: bob dylan, lucinda williams, neal casal, king sunny ade, edie brickell, ryan adams, the pogues, artic monkeys, manu chao..
PROSE: raymond carver, phillip lopate, jack kerouac, diane di prima, kurt vonnegut, garrison keillor, virginia woolf, thomas e. kennedy, spalding gray..
POETRY: billy collins, allen ginsberg, franz wright, sara bauer, yusef komunyakaa..
PHILOSOPHY: friedrich nietzsche, martin heidegger, alan watts, jean-paul sartre, simone de beauvoir, harry frankfurt, immanuel kant..
Sounds Like: my journey and escape from the monastic life into the lovely world of sin and danger.. buy some and see..
Record Label: eclipso records
Type of Label: Indie