coffee, foreign films, traveling, collecting monuments, playing scrabble, cooking, typography, reading, spontaneous adventures, my nieces, drawing, making books, letter press, watching airplanes, reading some more, bike rides on my Kronan, tea, making patterns, craft night.
Ivana Helsinki and Señor Alec Thompson.
Playing constantly.
Rushmore, My Life As a Dog, Fargo, The Tin Drum, Paris J'Taime, oh there are too many.
I have a new one. I have never had a new TV.
right now: Istanbul, Everything is Illuminated, Hip: The History, Look at the Harlequins!, Song Book.
We like our heroes fucked up and vulnerable because they embody the two things so often absent in a society preoccupied to the point of neurosis with reducing how we live and love. We like them that way because somewhere between their star quality and their fragility, they embody the authentic and transcendent.