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Please allow me to introduce myself; my name is Alfred Thomas Jr., but all my friends call me "Bucky". I am a Flutist/Vocalist in two bands, a Jazz quintet called "Altruistic" and a 9 piece Contemporary Gospel Band called "A Better Way". We've played venues up and down the East Coast from Maine to Florida opening for just about everybody there is in the Gospel industry and numerous Jazz artists.We had a record deal with a company (WHO WILL REMAIN NAMELESS) in PA, a secular company who claimed that they "understood how to market us" YEAH RIGHT! It was a nightmare. Anyway we ended up going to court to get out the deal. So we are now regrouping from the loss and starting to get the creative juices flowing in the studio again.Music is my passion; however it is my gig as a Counselor and Adjunct Professor at Norwalk Community College that pays the bills.All I've ever wanted to do in this lifetime is play music. I mean I have other interests but...from the time I was a one-digit midget all I wanted to do was be on a stage playing and basking in the love I was giving out and getting back. If I never make it (by that I mean be in a position where my music pays the bills) I will still be on someone’s stage playing and basking in the love I give out and the love I get back...
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