My Favortie saying is, tis better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it. I am the second oldest. i have 2 younger sisters 3-7. And 2 brothers 1-17. I live in Washington. I have 2 dogs, and 2 cats. Though one of my cats is evil, And has not takin a liking to me. All my friends tell me everything. And ask my advice on everything. i like to think i give good advice. And i do. i don't play alot of video games. but watch alot of tv. I play the Violin, and alittle piano. I own both instruments. i have brown hair. And Hazel eyes. i get along with just about everybody. And I am Straight. i am a church girl. And have a almost perfect 4.0 gpa. I am not all a goody to shoes. i am fun. and funny.