mary globert profile picture

mary globert

I am here for Friends

About Me

i'm the ultimate bitchy witch of no-sci batch 2002.. the leader (according to dj zack_ferdinand).. but i dont think it's true.. all i know is that im a true blooded witch and half blood bitch

My Interests

what interests me? actually it depends.. hehehe nice people i guess?

I'd like to meet:

anyone who could perform magic and spells.. nah.. kidding aside.. anyone except muggle born.. mud blood poeple..


alternatives, country music, pop-rock, contemporary christian music, pop


harry potter series, all lindsay lohan movies, mr. & mrs. smith, tomb raider, wizard of oz, spider-man 1&2, x-men 1&2.. etc...


smallville, charmed, sabrina the teenage witch, dark angel, 8 simple rules..., i do love roswell before too.. & cartoons...


harry potter series, sidney sheldon and johanna lindsay books