July 1, 2008, a night will be held at Mickey's for family & friends of Matt. Cost is $2.00 at the door and all proceeds will go towards Memorial Flowers for Matt's grave site. This is a night to be shared with family & friends as we all remember Matt and keep his memory alive.
On July 1st we all lost a brother, a son, a grandson, a friend, a cousin and a teammate in Matthew Adam Tynal. His warm smile and heartfelt memories will be with all of us forever. I met with Matt's family on July 3, 2007 to set up the memorial fund, and it was very hard for all of us, but one great story. Matt's soon to be brother-in-law Kevin, really said it best. Give Matt 5 minutes of your time, and you'll love him forever. It was so true, if you spoke to him, he had you as a friend in 5 minutes. We should all look at our lives and try a little harder to reach out and give 5 minutes of our best to everyone we meet and live each day like its our last.Donations were accepted for the family of Matt Tynal at Barley's, The Cell, and MAyNSTREAM or by stopping by any Sky Bank branch. The account was signed for by Matt's father Mr. Richard Tynal and his sister Christine.Thanks to Barley's, The Cell, Ice House, and Mickey's for supporting Matt in the past events that were thrown in his honor, as well as for their donations. And also, thanks to Matt's friends and family.