Cause he's been a major part of your life, of course you'll miss him; it's perfectly normal. It's like getting a tooth pulled out; after the dentist pulls it out you're relieved. But how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth once was? Probably a hundred times a day. Just cause it was hurting you doesn't mean you don't notice it. It leaves a gap, & sometimes you see yourself missing it terribly. It's going to take awhile, but it takes time. Should you have kept the tooth? No, cause it was causing you pain. Pulling the tooth was the right decision, but it's going to hurt.
Isn't if funny how day-by-day
nothing changes, but then when
you look back, everything is different
the best friends are the ones you don't have to talk to everyday, who understand why you didn't take their advice to not call him or why you keep going back to him after he breaks your heart, the ones who call you at 4 AM to let you know they're bored , who listen when they've heard the same story a thousand times, the ones who call just to say hi, & whether you're dancing on the table or laughing your ass off, they'll turn & say, yep, that's my best friend
& it's hard to watch things change when all you want is for them to stay the same. It's funny but stupid how you want everything & nothing at the same time. It's crazy when you want to let go, but you keep holding on, & when you want to move on but you're stuck right where you started. When feelings come & go & you can't decide what you want. When you have so many things to say but you don't know where to start. When you want them in your life so bad, but all you can do is push them farther & farther away. It's so hard to think back to how things used to be & look at it now & realize that things are different & they may never be the same. You tell yourself it's not worth it, but if it really didn't matter, you wouldn't spend so much time thinking about it.
&i'm not one hundred percent sure.. but i have "this gut feelng" that it's me that is "the girl for you"
dear jenimae, SMILE! [=
you know, when you've got God; and family that wants you to come along for boring drives into town even though they know you're gonna find something to complain about or you're gonna be grumpy cuz you couldnt shower; and friends that still care for, love, and support you no matter how terrible a friend you can be; and you've found a group of youth&adults you call your second family?!
i think you've pretty much met everyone you'll ever need. (:
the guy on the left! hehehe
"Just don't say forever and make sure you would NEVER take back anything you say to me. I'm going to give you a chance.. but forgive me because I'm afraid to trust you with the little bit of my heart that's left.."
manang diana.
confirmation class 2007
alphabetical order by first name (:
alicia n
andrew e
andrew g
bev m
cory e
isch b
john s
jonalyn t
junior c
kandace d
keith c
keodi e
kevin d
kyle m
malia m
mike h
nadine s
rico t
roshelle l
ruby s
you guys freakin.. rock! this has been such a wonderful journey that we got to share and walk along together. i pray that we will always be constant reminders to ourselves of G.E.L.
memories will never fade..
*links added to shorten top friends (:
jenimae has lived in washington her whole life and she's never been to so many places.. so who's gonna take her?! [;
the zoo - nadine
alki - (will be) monica! she got dibs lol
space needle - ?
Mt. Rainer - ?
Canada - ?