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Mrs. Martin

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Thad and I are married. We were planning on doing a vow renewal ceremony in July of 2008, however due to preventative restrictions, we are going to be postponing this for a couple of years. We will let you know when the plans are back in the works for a ceremony & reception.
On a better note... Thad and I just booked a trip to Amsterdam for Spring Break. It also just so happens to be Thad's birthday. So, we're going to be leaving Tampa on March 8, arriving in Amsterdam March 9, and coming back to The States March 14. We are both so excited about the trip. I've always wanted to go to Amsterdam, and the architecture there is supposed to be amazing. So, I'm really looking forward to it. Who knows, maybe I'll find some great Urban & Regional Planning Thesis topic while I'm there and be able to use my travel as a means to graduate.
I'm a 25 year old student pursuing my Master's degree in urban & regional planning at the University of Florida, home of the 2006 & 2007 NCAA Basketball Champions & the 2006 NCAA Football Champions. I would like to specialize in redevelopment post-natural disaster, emergency management redevelopment, and transportation. Ultimately, I would love to do some sort of Emergency Management Planning or New Urbanism Development Planning. I graduated in May from the University of Florida with my Bachelor of Design in Architecture.
My husband and I would ultimately like to move to Seattle or NYC so we can get great jobs, designing/building or (if we have to) buying a great modern/contemporary house, and having a couple of kids, a couple of dogs, and our 3 cats (Salem, Ashes, and Chloe). We both love Gainesville, but the weather has gotten entirely too hot for us to deal with anymore.
The Florida Gators, The University of Florida, My Husband Thad, Being Married, Photography, Modern/Contemporary Architecture, New Urbanism, Great Kitchens, Great Bathrooms, Toyota Supra, Coach, Tiffany's, Macaroni & Cheese, White Trash, Pizza, Poor man's dinner (potatoes, sausage & cheese), Skittles, Cherry Coke, Mountain Dew, BMW's, The pool, Hillary Clinton, The evening lights of Paris, New York City & Time Square, Traveling, Fossil Watches, Sunflowers, Gerbera Daisies, Dancing, Design studio that ends in an hour, Music, Chocolate, Ellen DeGeneres, Riding the New York Subway System, Roller Coasters, Tom & Mony's Wings (Sooo much better than Hooters), Hooter's Wings, Secretly looking at Gossip Mags in the Publix Line, Weeds, 2 hour movie lasting 4 hours because we keep pausing it to just talk, Bananas, The O.C. , Fridays, Grey's Anatomy, Nose Piercings, DVR, Hot cars, Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Guitar Hero II, PS2, Computers, Chick Magazines, The idea of a woman president, Cooking, My CATS, My DOGS, Weekends with no Architecture Homework, Yankee Candles, the day after a final jury for studio, Video Games, Jello, the color Orange, HGTV, TLC, The Travel Channel, Smoking the Hookah, Adding new ingredients to a meal that I cook all of the time to make it just a little bit differnt, Finding names that I like (Addison, Jade, and Hayden), Going to the Movies, Getting a tattoo or piercing, finding cheap places to eat, Moe's Queso Dip, Gainesville, SUMMER!, WINTER! John Travolta, Vince Vaughn, Al Pacino, Tom Hanks, Guys in Bands, Guys in Drumline, warm sheets, fireplaces, stormy weather, Guy's with tatoos, Djs, Burgers, Cuban Chicken, and I am FOR GAY MARRIAGE (I wouldn't do it, but why not give everybody the freedom to do it. Bush is saying that Gay people don't deserve the same rights)... There's plenty more, but if this doesn't answer it for you, then oh well!
Dislikes: Anybody who doesn't like/know the Florida Gators, George W. Bush, Political Bullshit, POLITICS!!! Beer, Going to clubs, The OC being over, snobby people, being by myself, people who have a "family plastic surgeon," showoffs, people who take take take and never give, people who say that they are friends but leave you hanging at the most critical moments, goodbyes, Strippers, UF School of Architecture, roaches, required reading, homework, people who get breast implants with no medical reason, idiot drivers, student drivers, broccoli...
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My Interests

I like to just hang out and do whatever, especially if it involves the love of my life, Thad. I also love to wakeboard, and play paintball. I love looking at cars even though I don't know much about them other than I know what I like.

I also love playing with my pets.... My 3 cats (Salem, Ashes, and Chloe), and My 2 dogs (Taffy, and Chip).

RIP Rambo

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Mia Michaels (the most amazingly talented choreographer), John Travolta, Al Pacino, Ellen DeGeneres, Lauren Weisberger, author of "The Devil Wears Prada," Richard Meier, Steven Holl, Tadao Ando, Peter Eisenmann, Tom Hanks, Peter Calthorpe, Andres Duany, the cast of "GREY"S ANATOMY," and the other person on Earth who looks like me.

Watch this video of FAMU Marching 100 featuring my middle school band teacher, Mr. Larry Rentz.


Sixx A.M. - "Life is Beautiful"

I really love any type of music. I really like 311, Sixx A.M., Gym Class Heros, Crossfade, Hinder, Foo Fighters, 30 Seconds To Mars, Justin Timberlake, Against Me, Nappy Roots, Nonpoint (especially their remake of "In The Air Tonight"), Soundgarden, Sublime, and Panic at the Disco.


"Devil Wears Prada", "You've Got Mail"" "The Goonies", "Father Of The Bride 1 & 2", "Something's Gotta Give", "Scarface", "Breakfast At Tiffany's", "Talladega Nights", "Pretty Woman", "Legally Blond", "Rent", "Memoirs Of A Geisha", "Raise The Red Lantern", "A Clockwork Orange", "Cocktail", "The Labyrinth", "Coyote Ugly", "Jackass 1 & 2", and "The Ugly Dachshund".

"You're cheating bitch, I'm not dead yet!" ~ STAY ALIVE


I love Nip/Tuck, Real World, Weeds, Hogan Knows Best, Bones, House, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, ER, The Travel Channel, TLC, HGTV, and The OC (I can't believe it's over).


I honestly don't have much time to read, but I have to say I love the Shopaholic Books: Confessions of a Shopaholic, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan, and Shopaholic Ties The Knot. I would eventually like to read anything by Lauren Weisberger, the author of "The Devil Wears Prada." I would eventually like to read Jane Jacob's "The Death and Life of Great American Cities."


My mother. She has raised me by herself since I was 6 months old. She did without so much to give me everything that I ever wanted. Love you momma.

My Blog

My Wedding Dress

My mother and I went shopping for wedding dresses today. The first place we went to was really rude. So, I was discouraged from the beginning. But my mother told me to just be patient. We then went to...
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 11:42:00 PST

My poor Doggie!!! RIP Rambo

Just wanted to let everybody know that we had to put my dog, Rambo, down Monday morning. He was really in bad shape. It started about 1 1/2 years ago. He formed a calcium deposit on his spine. At the ...
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Wed, 23 May 2007 03:07:00 PST

I got some Moola

for graduation... May I just say Very Much Needed. So, I bought my very first hookah with Cherry Cola Tobacco Monday evening. Then Thad, Maggie, and I took a spur of the moment trip to Jacksonville an...
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Wed, 09 May 2007 10:25:00 PST

You Know You're A Floridian If....

it is so sad that all of this is true... If your a Floridian You know everything that there is to know about bar oil and when to add more. "Down South" means Key West "Panhandling" means going to ...
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 06:46:00 PST

Graduate School

I just got my acceptance letter from the University of Florida's Master's Program for Urban and Regional Planning. GOOOOO MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 06:21:00 PST


-----10 years ago----- 1.) How old were you?----14 2.) Where did you go to school?---- Buchholz High School~ Gainesville, Florida 3) Where did you work?----I didn't, Mom said that as long as I was a...
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:14:00 PST

My Poor Snake

So, If you read my previous bulletin, you probably read about the whole fiasco with my snake. Well, unfortunately, I have to say that this morning when I went to check on him, I found a not so wonderf...
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 08:26:00 PST

Trying To Feel Happy

I don't really know how to feel right now. I'm not sad, but not happy. I'm not anxious, but I'm not feeling particularly laid back. I'm not tired, but I'm not full of energy. Since I don't know how to...
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 12:21:00 PST


So, I'm finally done with my design studio for this semester. I had my final jury today from 9:30 - 3:00. Things went very well. I enjoyed the comments and feedback that I got. I think the best thing ...
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 12:46:00 PST


Dear Dogs and Cats, The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food ...
Posted by Mrs. Martin on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 09:11:00 PST