PeAcHeS profile picture


iF yOu DoNt WaNt An EnEmY, dOnT FUCK wItH mY LiFe!!!!

About Me


WHATEVER they are trying to be, or even supposed to be, THEY SUCK!!! Shy's hewa:hewa group!

“well i ain’t evil, im just good looking..” hahaha. some alice for you there; cooper that is. if you haven’t seen Wayne’s World, that is where the song is coming from! so anyway, too much about me to have time to explain! if you want to know anything, comment, message, or whatever! but i think everyone already knows what i am like and what i dont tolerate...
Telling the truth,


oh did i mention I'm PeAcHy!?! but in case you didnt know i love ALOT of SlipKnoT. Well, mostly Corey Taylor anyway! and YES phaythness,


haha, our on going battle, if you cant tell!! so anyway, yeah, ok, thats all i think. if you really care to know anything about me, like Ashlee Simpson... "just ask me..." iyatsa!! Other than that, THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH for visiting my page, its a little boring, but i am still getting things to put on here, and thinking up ever so spectacular things to put on here. so anyway, What's up, hi all, how are you, good to know, im fine and dandy, how's everything, good to know, what's new, nothing with me, do you like my song, i do, what's your song, oh really?


P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r P e A c H e S & C o r e y T a y l o r
How to make a ~*PeAcHeS*~
1 part pride
5 parts silliness
5 parts joy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of curiosity and a pinch of salt. Yum!
PeAcHeS is PoIsOnOuS! Induce vomitting if ingested.
You are Super-Cool!
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding us all! You are the coolest of the cool. EVERYONE looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here. ALL HAIL, PeAcHeS is HERE!
Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.
Experience Level:
Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!
Your dominance is medium.
You tend to be the one with more power.
You aren't a total control freak in relationships..
But of course you don't mind getting your way!
Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.
Your independence is low.
This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships..
It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.
In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together.
Your Life Path Number is 8
Your purpose in life is to help others succeed
You are both a natural leader and a natural success. You are also a great judge of character.
You have a head for business and finance. You know how to make money.
A great visionary, you can see gold where other people see nothing.
In love, you are very generous - with gifts, time, and guidance.
You love to inspire people, but it can be frustrating when they don't understand your vision.
Great success comes easily for you. But so does great failure, as you are very reckless.
You are confident, and sometimes this confidence borders on arrogance. AHHH!!!! i SO tell you Faith that #8 is SO me!!

My Interests

My Babies:
Kanisha Auryalle
Corey Jae.
YES, i named him after my Dearest Corey Taylor.

You Are An INFJ

The Protector

You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.
Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.
You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.
You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.

You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.


Interests? Mostly and ALWAYS music. music on myspace! uh... a little bit of everything i guess.


Which member of SLipKnoT are you?

Corey Taylor
you are loud obnoxious and sometimes you get on peoples nerves, but somehow everyone seems to love you! you are considered the leader but arent very good at it, you like nu metal and enjoy dictating your interests

I'd like to meet:

This topic should just be made to "WHO I HAVE MET" then it would be more filled up. lah! wait, i will say who i met at the end of this part. so anyway, i want to meet the members of SlipKnoT (STILL!!) (well the rest of the 7 anyway, since i have met 2 of them) and my dear Cap'n Jack Sparrow. Mr. Snip-Snip Bon Liki Liki himself!! Dane Cook because i wanna laugh, i wanna laugh, i wanna laugh! I want to meet the person that does the voice for stewie so he can set all my ringtones.... most of all, i just GOT to BE WITH my Corey Taylor AGAIN!!!ok, so the people that i have met are:


to EVERYONE that doubted me, shattered my dreams of meeting Corey, him never ever knowing that i existed, who said he would never know me, who say i dont love him more, who think that i am just obsessed over someone i never met, IN YO' FACE!!! I TOLD HIM THAT I LOVE HIM TO HIS FACE and he ENJOYED IT!!! and i told Roy i love his hair and James kicks ass!
See, thats Roy all shy and happy that i told him i loved his hair!!
and yeah. just put that in your back pocket. Note to yourself: "PEACHES MET HER COREY TAYLOR, SHE TOLD HIM SHE LOVES HIM (MORE THAN Faith)" and yeah.
Bad Acid Trip. I like their singer. he is funny! i liked how he was saying "hello" to us, and trying not to get his bloody knuckles on my Ozzfest CD! All That Remains. with the kick ass female bassist. I like their song "this calling" comes on hard attack alot. Bury Your Dead. one of the guys had a dimebag tattoo on his arm. and fuj took a pic with the vox (oh, at FV, not at ozzfest)! oh yeah, and faith touched their stick, i mean, caught their drum stick. yeah thats it, drum stick, not meat balls. Oh my gosh, i just realized, if i met them, how the fuck come did i not know that their bassist was so HOT??? LOSER!! I still like him WAY more than you faith! and the Dee Roo Ahn Geh-Ree ey (or how ever it had in the journal, member that newspaper thing you got for me faith? did you read that part, how to pronounce it? ANYWAY!) Dir En Grey, their bassist too, YEAH, i like him more than Faith. Faith likes the Vox. See, this is what he said:
Bleeding Through. AHHH!!! you can see the proof, if you didnt notice it yet! Marta is so nice, she is very respectable. Disturbed. AHHH!!! David is so hot! mmm!! just playing faith! and uh, yeah, i took a alot of good pics! (mostly of just David!
I have to look at my Ozzfest CD to see who i missed. so yeah, just wanted to let you know that i would have NEVER met these people and been so COOL if i didnt have my very best cousin, Kyle. (that's you!)


For Grandpa

Meet My Totally Peachy but SOMEtimes dYsFuNcTiOnAl MYSPACE Family!
I have SO MANY friends... just hope YOU are one of them!

My Dearest Corey Taylor and Stone Sour

My Dearest Corey Taylor and SlipKnoT

its BiShop!

My Sistah, Ri

My Brotha, Poge

Tavius, Darnell and little Maddi

My Dearest Partner In Crime, Queen Weirdo (AKA Weird ONE! HAHAHAH!)

Libra Hooks DOESNT love Corey Taylor as much as ME!

My Dear Aunt Oona that went KaBloona!

P-Nizzle iz Da Biz-nitch!

My Good Friend, Nessa

B.O. just LOVES the AGGIES!!!

His Su:we, Bia, that hates Lobos

My Dear Cuz, Chris

Joey is God!(behind drums!)

Alot of people say "whats that?" It's Pat! hahaha, its Kayla

its Vin Diesel! :) nah, its Regular Vin H

My Dearest Cuz, Kon

My Girl, Jo

My Comrade, fellow Jag, Don B

Check out the rest of my dYsFuNcTiOnAl WeIrDoS here!!
Go ahead bessie, see All my Comments. Do you have more than me?


STONE SOUR and SLIPKNOT!!! OFCOURSE!!! mostly all the bands that are my friends are my most favorites ones. like i like alot of their songs, or maybe one song really moves me that i just love the whole band for having the feelings to spill it out onto a song that was made just for me!! yeah!! so my favorties are: HIM, IN FLAMES, 10 YEARS, PAPA ROACH, SLIPKNOT, STONE SOUR, MUDVAYNE, LAMB OF GOD, SHADOWS FALL, BLEEDING THROUGH, DISTURBED and yeah, all those types.


This is for my Nana.



Just some of my Favorite Depp Movies....
Who are you from Pirates of the Caribbean (with Pics!)
Your Jack Sparrow the Pirate!!!!Your a little on the werid and gayish side (Even though your not gay).You tend to lie and cheat a lot, but you soon learn your lesson, kinda. All you really want is Your ship the Black Pearl back, and a Really nice BIG Pirate hat, oh ya and Gold.
Take this quiz !
Pirates of the Caribbean: How Much Do YOU Know?! (Pics!)
Well looky what we got 'ere, Twigg! Captain Know-It-T'All! And the title suits you well. Like me and Jack Sparrow, (^.^) you know the movie Pirates of the Caribbean like the back of your hand...or, something else familiar. I thank you for sharing your wonderful talents with me, and would be happy if you dropped me a line! Thanks for being so great at what you do! HUZZAH!!!!
Take this quiz !
If you didnt notice already, i am VERY into POTC, The Cap'n mostly. and I like Ice Age 2!! its funny! took yiya to see it, i liked it alot! because of her, i am into cartoons and kiddy movies! like wallace and grommit!! i like movies that are funny. i dont really like scaries, but i REALLY like Just Friends alot! its all funny!!! "FORGIVENESS..."



FAMILY GUY!!! i dont get to watch it alot, but i love me some Stewie! i am stewie in living color!! hahaha! oh, for the ending, i got into Flavor of Love, but yeah, whatever, dont really care for mekwisho stuff! i am just into it for the fights!! MREOW!!! hahahaha!



whats a book? i know no book.



Always and Forever, My Grandpa. The Late David Wayne Wyaco, Sr. We miss you very much. You may be gone, but you will NEVER be forgotten. I Love You Grandpa!


Go To YoUr HoUsE... ~*~ dO u ThInK u HaVe MaIl ~*~ ChEcK oUt My BlOg ThInG ~*~ wHaTeVeR w/ FoRuMs ~*~ I aM a GrOuPiE!! ~*~ MySpace Scripts ~*~ gO tO tHe QuEeN wEiRdO's Site!! ~*~ ChEcK oUt My LiBrA hOoKs PaGe!!

My Blog

About CJ and Thinking of Grandpa

CJ turns 5 months today! It is going by too fast! its going by so fast that i can barely remember how kanisha was at the age CJ is! I know that any time soon his teeth are going to be coming out. i am...
Posted by P e A c H e S on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 01:47:00 PST

Who you know cool enough to have a parent as your myspace friend?

HUH?! HUH?!? Well its ME! PeAcHeS!!! If you didnt see on my Top Friends, i have my Daddy-O as a friend. DJ RED and Friends Say hi, add him, ask him to play for your next party... or check out his page...
Posted by P e A c H e S on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 11:40:00 PST

My Degree!

If you didnt know YET: The University of BloggingPresents toMs. PeAcHeSAn HonoraryBachelor ofCuttingMajoring inSelf Deprication and Creativity SignedDr. ® ...
Posted by P e A c H e S on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 12:37:00 PST