~MISS V~ profile picture



About Me

DOB February 12th, 1966
Highest level of education completed High School
Piercings Yes-one on each ear lobe
Tattoos No.."Tattoo Virgin"
Pets Yes-1 Chi (Gidget), and 4 cats-"Lexi", "Gizmo" "Lucky" and "Frisky"
Religion I steer clear of "organized" religion..I am a "spiritual" being
State you live in California


Color Red (at the moment-subject to change)
Food Chinese (Pu-Pu Tray, lol)
Clothing store "Red Balls" (Melrose Ave.)
Animal Bengal Tiger (my "totem")
Band Local Band: "Mini Driver"..I don't really have a favorite as far as well-known bands go
Music Artist same answer
Movie "Queen of the Damned" and "Stay Alive"..I love many movies-especially Japanese horror
TV Show more than one...already listed on my page
Place to be June Lake..(Sierras)
Person to be with ANANDI, my bestest friend : )
Time of Day When the sun is on it's way -down- ;-)
Season Definately the Fall-I come alive during this season (the sun is brighter, the air clearer, more colorful..love it!)
Resturant Toss up between "The Mandarin House", and "Yolanda's"
Magazine "Dark Realms" and "Gothic Beauty"
Website www.pogo.com
Person to hug my best friend, Anandi : )
Person to kiss That's a secret! ;-)
Thing you own My Vroom-Vroom red T-top Camaro
Song "Crazy Bitch" (BuckCherry)
Drink Apple Pucker with Sprite
Ice cream flavor Fudge Brownie with chocolate covered almonds
Car Mine (but would love to have a truck someday)
Item of clothing you own My Vinyl Catsuit ;-)
Memory Times spent with grandparents in Paradise, California
CD Custom Made (by me-80s Rock, of course!)
Subject in school English (loved diagraming sentences-how nerdy is that?)
Sport to watch None..but-do enjoy skiing from time 2 time
Sports team None
Word "Ginormous" (don't think it's in the dictionary, lol)
Cuss word FUCK! (what else?)
Roller coaster last one I was on was "The Colossus"-so guess that would be it
Theme park Ummm-DISNEYLAND!
Room in your house Mine-it's the cleanest ;-)
Place in your house (besides the one you said above) My shower (my friends know why, lol) ;-)
Thing to do DANCE, DANCE, DANCE!
Book "The Witching Hour" (Anne Rice)

Do you...

Ever drink Almost every weekend
Ever smoke NO (but will take a "toke", or 2 if it's offered ;-)
Shower daily Every other day (hair can't take every day
Listen to rap Some-but it does get on my nerves most of the time
Country Shania Twain is all I can handle
R & B Yes
Rock YES!!!
Pop Some
Classical Some
Jazz Some
Any other genres Pretty eclectic when it comes to music
Watch MTV Sometimes-when my daughter is here
Watch The Real World NO
Have a best friend again-ANANDI!
Have any enemies don't we all?
Smile a lot Ummm-not enough, according to family and friends
Laugh a lot Yes (make others laugh alot 2)
Cry a lot lately, yes :*(
Laugh easily Yes
Cry easily Yes
Have mood swings Don't we all? Hard not to in this crazy world!
Have a role model No
Have a hero Not really
Have any obsessions PC gaming (belong to "PC Gamers Anonymous", lol..j/k)
Like to shop Only online
Like the taste of alcohol The taste? Most, no..but love -My Corona- [_]D
Like school Yes-loved learning (still do)
Have crazy dreams ALWAYS!
Day dream Sometimes
Have a cell phone No-hate the phone!
Have your own pool Kinda..(a puddle in the backyard) ;-)
Have any scars Yes-from past car accident
Have an iPod No
Do well in school Mostly
Brush your teeth twice a day Once
Eat meat Yes (sorry Manny, lol)
Drive Ummm, duh..
Have a car Again-yes, my red T-top Camaro
Love shopping Again-only online
Love your friends Of course!
Love Starbucks No
Love little kids Yes-but not when they're screamin' ,throwin' a tantrum!
Cheat on tests/ homework No (believe it or not) ;-)
Stay up late and sleep till atleast noon Most of the time
Run to class because your always late Don't "go to class" anymore
Like sushi NO raw fish! Ick!
Consider yourself fat No-just "curvy"
Get annoyed easily Depends on the person/situation

Have you EVER???

Drank alcohol Duh!
Under the legal age OMG! Way over!
Smoked Yes-didn't like it, thank god!
Been Skinny Dipping Yes
Been TP-ing Yes-on my 13th birthday/slumber party
Tanned topless No
Cussed in front of your parents Yes, often
Wanted to change something about yourself Don't we all? (Not tellin' what though) : P
Burnt yourself with a curling iron straightner Are you serious? Yes, and told my friends it was a hickey! ;-)
Bought something way to expensive A long time ago-a diamond-studded Catsuit ($400.00) at "The Oaks"
Bought something you wanted to take back right after you bought it Haven't most of us?
Been Camping Yes-love it
Been to NYC No-but have a shirt that says different
Been out of the USA Yes-Hawaii and Nevada (don't get out much)
Danced in public Almost every fricken weekend!
Given a lap dance To a chosen few ;-)
Received a lap dance Yes-every Friday night at "Club Soda"/"Metro" (way back when)
Stolen anything I'm sure most would answer yes-"I" am included in "most" ;-)
Been embarrssed by a family member Many times-happens to me almost every day! (live with my 89 year old Grandmother, lol)
Mooned someone Only boyfriends ;-)
Asked a stranger for a tampon No
Been searched in an airport hasn't everyone? (sheesh!)
Bought a thong when the cashier was a guy lol...No
Sang a solo in front of a crowd No
Broken the law Yes-a couple of times, I'm afraid
Broken a bone Yes-when I first started drinking
Been in jail Twice
Made out with a poster NO (would have to be awfully desperate and smoke a bowl or 2 to do that!)
Had lice NO
Wanted to be a TV/Movie star Never-a Rockstar? YES!
Cried for no reason Sometimes
Laughed for no reason Rarely
Been measured for a bra at Victorias Secret No way!
Looked at porn When someone else was viewing it (not into that)
Went on a diet A long, long time ago
Been called fat No
Been skiing Yes (made it down the "moster hill" fell on the "bunny hill"-my Mom has it on video, lol)
Skipped School Of course!
Ate just because you were bored Yes
Gone somewhere public in your pajamas Yes (drive-thru)
Been on a cruise No-but would like to
Done something you seriously regret Haven't most of us?
Been in a physical fight Yes
Spent the night at a house of the oppisate sex Duh!
Wached TV for over 6 hours in a row Yes-often : x
Been to 2 movies at the cinema in one day No
Gone an entire day without food or water Yes-do that often...bad habit (not eating-I always drink water, lots of it)
Ate at a fast food resturant 3 times in a day Never


Person you kissed Michael, 22 (you know who you are) ;-)
Person you hugged Anandi
Person you went to the movies with My daughter, Elisha
Movie you saw "The Hills Have Eyes" (totaly gruesome!)
TV show you watched "I Love Lucy"
Person you yelled at My Grandmother (she doesn't hear well)
Time you laughed about 10 minutes ago
Time you cried about a half hour ago (lol)
Time you cussed a second ago ;-)
Party you went to well-more of a get-together (Michael's, on the beach)
Gift you gave A Tinkerbell shirt to my best friend, Anandi
Gift you received Can't remember, lol
Thing you ate Chips with Avocado Dip
Thing you drank Water (always water-gotta have it!)
Person you went out to dinner with Anandi, and a guy we met (went to Denny's, Saturday night)
Time you posed for a picture couple of weeks ago with Anandi
Person you talked to on the phone Anandi
Time you tanned Never...I'm a vampire! (hate the taste of blood though-wish it tasted like sugar, lol)
Time you went shopping 2 weeks ago (online, of course)
Time you applied make-up last Sunday night (met Anandi at Nich's, then went to the Sewer-do that every Sunday night)
Concert you went to "Adam Ant" at The Ventura Theater (back in '95)

This or That... Pick one!

Girls or Guys Ummm-guys (homey don't play "that"!)
Black or White Black!
Red or Blue Red!
Gold or Silver Silver! (ugh, gold!)
Cake or Pie I am "pie" - ( | ) (lmao), so cake : P
Subway or Firehouse Odd question..Firehouse, I guess
Applebees or Outback hate Applebee's...The Outback
Car or SUV like SUVS but don't have one
TV or Movie That's a toss-up
Movie at home or cinema at home (often on my computer)
Widescreen or Normal Widescreen
Cat or Dog Used to be a cat person, but am now more of a dog person (LOVE my Gidgee girl!)
Beach or Mall Not really a beach person, prefer the mountains
Football or Baseball If I have to choose-Baseball (I understand that sport-used to play it, often)
MTV or VH1 VH1
Real World or Road Rules From what little I've seen, "Road Rules"
Christmas or Halloween HALLOWEEN!!!
Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny Ugh-anything to do with teeth, I cringe..Easter Bunny!
Kiss or Hug Depends on the kisser/hugger ;-)
Sun or Moon MOON! (Daughter of the moon)
TV or Computer Computer
On Ice or On Water On water
Abercrombie or Hot Topic Hot Topic (don't judge me, Manny, lol)
American Eagle or Hollister American Eagle (don't know "Hollister")
Aeropostale or Old Navy Again-Old Navy (don't know "Aeropostale")
Sunglasses or Hat Sunglasses!
Winter or Summer Actually Fall, but since it isn't mentioned, Winter
Fall or Spring Look above! I think I answered this 2 or 3 times, now)..FALL!
Water or Soda Water!
Coffee or Orange Juice Juice
Rap or Screamo Screamo?! If "Disturbed" would be considered "Screamo", then "Screamo" (how old is the person who made this survery?)
Full House or Boy Meets World Neither!
Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks Actually, neither..Krispy Kreme is great, though
Alone or With a friend Depends on my mood
Paper or Plastic Plastic
Middle School or High School enjoyed Middle School more
Smoking or Drinking Drinking-- [_]D
Love or Money Love is more important, but money helps 2 ;-)
Hot or Cold Cold (Static-X) ;-)
Boxers or Briefs (on guys) 50/50 Boxer/Briefs
Muscular or Really Skinny Inbetween
Blonde or Brunette Long black hair on men-my weakness!
Sight or Hearing Sight
Beach or Pool Neither (find them both scarey, germ-wise)
Mountains or Beach Mountains! (Country girl at heart) ;-)
Half empty or Half full Half-full
Stomachace or Headache Oh, god-neither..how do you choose?
Jeans or Sweatpants Jeans-always!
Skirt or Jeans Again-JEANS!
Couch or Bed Bed (for sleeping only) ;-)
Child or Teen Child! I have a tenn...need I say more?!
Funny or Serious Serious people suck! FUNNY!
Interesting or Fun Fun and interesting
Sleeping or Shopping Sleeping (when I can)
Bra or Underwear Both (sorry, not gonna choose)
Jacket or Sweatshirt Jacket
Christmas or Birthday Christmas
4th of July or Saint Patricks Day Even though I'm half Irish-4th of July
Scheduled or Laid Back Laid-back!
Talking online or On the phone Online
Tan or Pale Pale..love it that way ;-)
Cough or Sneeze Are you serious? Well, sneeze I guess
Hot Tub or Pool Hot Tub (can't be 2 hot, or I faint-no kidding!)
Singing or Dancing DANCING!
Ashlee Simpson or Jessica Simpson Do I have to choose...? Jessica, I guess
Ludacris or Lil Jon Omg..can't give an answer on that one
Radio or CD CD
Chips or Candy Chips! (BBQ Masterpiece, or Flamin' Hot Cheetos!)
Sweet or Salty a little of both
Pad or Tampon Omg! I am not answering this either! : P
Jazz or Rock ROCK!!!
Country or Classical Classical
1 best friend or 10 aquantinces 1 best friend
50 Cent or Kanye West not ansering...la, la, la.. : P
Single or Taken SINGLE, ALWAYS!
Saved by the Bell or Step by Step NEITHER!
Sex in the City or Desprate Housewives Sex in the City
Appetizer or Dessert Appetizer (Pu-Pu Tray, lol)
Apple or Banana Apple (Granny Smith)
Orange or Grapes Grapes (green, seedless)
Strawberry or Blueberry Strawberry
Oprah or Ellen ELLEN!
Lights on or Off Inbetween lol...candelight ;-)
Soup or Salad Salad (Italian dressing with croutons)
Arm Muscles or Abs Biceps! Soooo sexy!
Reality TV or Sitcom Sitcom, definately
That 70s Show or Seinfeld Do you have to ask? "That 70's Show" (love Fez) ;-)
Pencil or Pen Pen
Eating or Working Out Eating


What is your weakness Guys with long, black hair , who play guitar!
What are your biggest fears Of ending up in a "Hoveround" before my time
What is your most embarrassing moment drawing a blank here (maybe taking the time to answer all of these ridiculous questions)
Do you act ghetto Laugh-My-(_!_)-Off! NO WAY! I am at times the "other G".. (Gothic)
What is your biggest pet peeve Arrogance!
Do you like to be surprised Usually, no
If you could chang one thing about your school what would you change Don't go to school anymore (not answering)
Biggest turn ons Again-long black hair, guitars, nice lips and humor!
What is your favorite purse My denim purse
What are you doing today filling out this silly survey-and cleaning house
Do you procrastinate Often
Do you scrapbook No (boy, does my Grandma though!)
What online symbol do you use the most like most, "lol"
Do you read the newspaper Sometimes
Are you shy when prople first meet you prople? what are "prople"? Sounds more like some alien birds..(No)
Are you a lazy person Sometimes
Are you a pervered person "pervered"? lmao..someone didn't pay attention in English class (no)
Have you ever kicked a guy in the balls lmao, again..once or twice (to defend myself)
Have you ever had any New Years Resolutions Haven't we all? (But, hardly ever keep them)
Where are you going on your next vacation that's open
Are you a Democrat or a Republican Was raised -Republican- but, not into politics, ugh!
Do you like romantic movies not really
Who is your favorite actor/actress Have a few-not any certain "1"
What is the most annoying thing about your personality I repeat myself-wayyy too often (yes, friends, I notice) : P
What do you do when you are bored play PC games
Would you consider yourself a drama queen LMAO! Anyone who knows me knows the answer to that!
What is your best physical feature my -- (_!_) ;-)
What is your worst physical feature My fricken nose!
Do you have a lot of inside jokes with your friends Of course!
What brand of shoes are you wearing Wearing slippers right now-don't wear a certain brand (just as long as they are black boots) ;-)
What song are you currently listening to "U + Ur Hand" (Pink)
Current clothes Criss Angel shirt and leopard Pj bottoms
Do you watch The OC NOT!
Do you have a curfew At 41?! not even!
What songs make you cry Alot-can't name them all, but-"All By Myself" comes to mind (lol)
What movies make you cry Again-can't name them all
Have you ever been pregnant lmao..yes, at 20 (was a virgin until then-no kidding!)
Do you like jocks lmao (again)..no
What is the biggest injury youve ever had breaking my pinkie in all 3 places (can't learn to play guitar now) :*(
Are you good at puzzles Yes!
Can you keep a secret Most of the time (ssshhh) : P
Have you ever taking a dance class Umm-that would be "taken", sheesh...(yes)
Are you a virgin LMAOLMAOLMAO!!! You figure it out!
When was the last time you cried at school and why most likely, back in '83..I was a target for picking on :*(
Do you like to party Depends
What is your favorite scent Roses
Would you ever bungee jump No
What size shoe do you where "where"? That would be *wear (sheesh)..7
Have you ever thown up at school lol...can't remember that far back..most likely
Have you ever screamed in a library lol...not that I can remember
Have you ever gotten kicked out of a store No
Have you ever gotten dressed and hated your outfit lol...yes
Are you a good whistler lmao...no (am better at humming, lol)
Can you touched your nose with you tongue Again-someone needs to take English again...grrrrrrrrr...No-it's short and stubby (that's what he said)
Who are you thinking about right now something short and stubby (lol)
Wonder or amazement Amazement
What is your favorite type of kiss tongueless (lol)
When was the last time you mooned someone A boyfriend, about 8 years ago...- (_!_)
What is the stupidest movie youve ever seen "Leprachaun"...OMG! Even on acid it wasn't good, lol..
Do any of your friends have blonde moments MANY!
Do you like to travel Would, if I could
What is your favorite number -7-
What do you want to be when you grow up (O.k.-am getting the impression this survey was made for people from 10-18)..already there
Do you have your future kids names planned out lmao, again...no more kids for me (my daughter's name is -Elisha Cherie'-
If you could adopt any one of your friends who would you adopt Anandi!
End this survey with a good quote/phrase (When driving) "Get any closer and you can kiss my - (_!_) !" V = Voluptuous I = Intelligent C = Compassionate T = Tantalizing O = Observant R = Respectful I = Irreplaceable A = Appealing

My Interests

I LOVE -ALL- animals (men included);-)Especially, my sweet Babygirl,-Gidget-(Gidgee Girl-she's my "Prozac"), that's for sure!),our Kitties: Lexi,Gizmo,Tommy,Frisky,Lucky and Buddah. All of nature: Mountains/lakes (we have a cabin just below Yosemite..beautiful,breath-taking place!),the ocean (camping at the beach and waking up to dolphins swimming by was an awesome and beautiful experience!). I also enjoy: Hiking,camping,fresh water fishing(ocean fishing is not for me,but I do enjoy watching my brother doing it)..reading(mostly spiritual & self-help),bowling and last but NOT least..DANCING, DANCING & more DANCING! I find -Criss Angel- to be an awesome "Illusionist". I also love -Brandon Lee- and -Johnny Depp-(-love him especially as: "Jack Sparrow") (I think it's the eyeliner and the drunken drawl that gets me, lol). I have a confession to make-as far as "Jack" goes-He stole my(_!_)and I let him keep it! ;-)

I'd like to meet:

People- male and female who are compassionate,caring, genuine & funny!


Rob Zombie, Deftones, Static-X, Disturbed, Kidney Thieves, Portishead, NIN, Ministry, Sisters of Mercy, Front 242, Rage Against the Machine, KoRn (2 many to list here)..also 80s era Rock and Roll! (Aqua Net hairspray years, lol)


Army of Darkness-(Bruce Campbell-hell of a funny guy!),-Shaun of the Dead- and -Poltergeist-(1&2), -The Grudge-


(Criss can "freak" my mind anytime!);-)


Anything by -Stephen King-(I really enjoyed "Rose Madder"),-Anne Rice-(my favorite was "The Witching Hour" should have made a movie out of that one) and everything by -Sylvia Browne-(I have almost all of her books..VERY enlightening).


Anyone and everyone who stands up for what they believe in and stay -TRUE- to themselves no matter what. Especially those playful,silly souls who make the world laugh! -Laughter- is my BIGGEST TURN-ON!!! BIGGEST TURN-OFF:ARROGANCE!

My Blog

What my birthdate means..

Your Birthdate: February 12..http://images.blogthings.com/whatdoesyourbirthdatemeanqu iz/birthday.jpg" height="100" width="100">You're a dynamic, charismatic person who's possibly headed for fame.You t...
Posted by ~MISS V~ on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:15:00 PST

Is it even weirder that this gives me a sense of balance???

You Are 50% WeirdNormal enough to know that you're weird...But too damn weird to do anything about it!How Weird Are You?...
Posted by ~MISS V~ on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 09:03:00 PST

OMG! These might be suicide!!!

I got my black patent leather goth/frankenstein knee-high boots today! They are literally "monstrous"! Hoping I don't kill myself, trying to get used to them...hope to god I can dance in them! I may l...
Posted by ~MISS V~ on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:48:00 PST

So true! (I'm a ho when it comes to kissing!)

..> Your Kissing Purity Score: 17 ure ..http://images.blogthings.com/kissingpuritytest/kiss1.jpg" height="100" width="100">For you, it's all kiss and no talk.You're in a permanent lip lock...> Kis...
Posted by ~MISS V~ on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 06:19:00 PST

Who were you in a past life?

In a Past Life...http://images.blogthings.com/pastlifegenerator/past-l ife.jpg" height="100" width="100">You Were: A Mute Cannibal.Where You Lived: Romania.How You Died: Consumption.Who'>http://www.blo...
Posted by ~MISS V~ on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 06:10:00 PST

Too funny! --> (_!_)

Victoria will go to jail for ...Mooning some cops'What">http://www.quizuniverse.com/quiz.php?id=53">'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at http://www.quizuniverse.com" style="color: #FF000...
Posted by ~MISS V~ on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 03:14:00 PST