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About Me

Dating & Relationship Advice

Well to start off, I am originally from CHICAGO..23 years old...currently residing here in San Antonio...liking it so far.....I'm a pretty laid back person who likes singing and having fun......I hate people who bullshit and are fake...I will call you out on it..If you cool wit me then I'm good wit you...ALSO CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO MY FRIENDS AND I MADE!
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
Get this video and more at MySpace.com Kathy Lynn Delmar......................This young beautiful woman is so awesome and so wonderful. She is the most down to earth person who I have ever met and I know for a fact that I love her and she loves me so much.....yeah we argue at times, but who doesn't. I don't have to worry about what she's doing because she's honest and very very caring. Whenever I'm down, she always lifts me up. So let me introduce this beautiful woman.....this is Kathy Lynn Delmar......my girl, my love, my life!

My Interests

kickin back chilln,clubbin, whatever I want to do, I do it

I'd like to meet:

Cis forColorful
Ris forRich
Ais forAnimated
Iis forIdeal
Gis forGentle What Does Your Name Mean?People who are kick back and not about a whole bunch of drama. If you got drama, then get the fuck on. I'm an outgoing person(i.e. clubs on fridays and saturdays with THA CRU) But I also like just kickin it.




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My family and the green latern! lol

My Blog


I am writing this blog for myself.....its a new year and there is a totally new slate for me.....for starters...my goals for the end of the year is to have a house...i know it will probably take a whi...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 10:06:00 PST

starting to climb that ladder of life again

you there's a sayin that states "everytime you that ladder, there's always a broken step to make you fall". I have a different statement, "while i'm climbing this ladder, i'm goin to make it to the to...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 10:32:00 PST

stressed beyond belief

so this is the beginning of december and the 1st full time job i got this month pretty much gave me the boot. The thing is that i don't make myself get terminated or just up and quit from places. ...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 02:23:00 PST


alright....so lately everything has been going great for me..............I found a new job that i really like and enjoy working with. My life is going alot easier than it was last year......I'll be ba...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 09:14:00 PST

the month of august pt.2

So everything is still going great. i think that i might switch jobs here soon.....i'm still up in the air about that. You guys its really funny i'm saying this, but i think that I'm gonna end up gett...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:29:00 PST

The Month Of August

So i know i haven't really posted a blog on here for a long time, but here it is. To update, I've been with Kathy now for about 9 months and the relationship is what i wanted.  i can honestl...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 07:43:00 PST

The month of April

so currently my life is actually goin the way i like it to...........not too much drama going on and for the 1st time i feel very comfortable in my current realtionship. You guys have no idea how much...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:02:00 PST

Current life

so its been a lil bit since i posted a blog........but here it is.....so far, i got a girl which is a lot of relief and i'm thankful for that. She is really the person who lifts alot of stress off of ...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 04:56:00 PST

The Month Of October

Well to start off the month of october is not in my favor......but hey I'm still tryin to maintain just like everyone else......hmmm. where should i begin..well I got arrested last wednesday for some ...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 05:37:00 PST

The Month of August

So far I've really been kickin back and relaxin. My roommate is starting to stay out of my way, and thing are ok.(still don't like her though) But the good news is that she won't be my roommate for to...
Posted by PUZZLEMAN on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 11:26:00 PST