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About Me

I Am: A collector of things with spouts. A four-legged-friend person. An alumnus of UC Berkeley and the National AIDS Marathon Training Program (Las Vegas Marathon 2007!). Terrified of bugs. Not one for brevity. A person who philosophically embraces the cyclical nature of life, but in reality wishes it didn't effect me. Silly. Romantic. Hopeful. Funny (in my own, special way). Giving. Caring. Honest. Loving to a fault. In constant competition with myself. The kind of person who wishes people never had to leave your life. Someone who overthinks and overarticulates everything. Excited about the direction my life is moving.
Loves: Family. Bradley & Albie (my dogs). Wine (and cheese). Nintendo. Adam. Girl dates. Celebrity gossip. Starbucks Skinny Hazlenut lattes. Interior design. Creme brulee. Clam chowder bread bowls. Cocktails. Shopping. Food. Dancing. Laughing. Performances. Harry Potter. Office supplies. White shirts/Blue Jeans/Rainbow Sandals. Oaklog. Scattergories. San Francisco (and the bay area in general). Passion. Palos Verdes. Flickr.
Hates: Incompetence. Ignorance. Impatience. Miscommunication. Poor etiquette. Tomatoes. Knowing that somewhere out there there are people who either hate me or are ambivalent about my existence. Mustard.
Wants: New Tattoos. Happiness and Success in life. Reconcile lost friendships. Heal old wounds. Own a house in the Marina/on The Strand. To have Amy back.
A year later and it still stings like yesterday...
Birth is a beginning
And death a destination
And life is a journey:
From childhood to maturity
And youth to age;
From innocence to awareness
And ignorance to knowing;
From foolishness to discretion
And then, perhaps to wisdom;
From weakness to strength
Or strength to weakness--
And often, back again;
From health to sickness
And back, we pray, to health again;
From offense to forgiveness,
From loneliness to love,
From joy to gratitude,
From pain to compassion,
And grief to understanding--
From fear to faith;
From defeat to defeat to defeat--
Until, looking backward or ahead,
We see that victory lies
Not at some high place along the way,
But in having made the journey, stage by stage,
A sacred pilgrimage.
Birth is a beginning.

My Interests

Art. Interior design. Travel. Introspection. Learning. Napping. Exploring. Spooning. Dancing. Foreign Policy. Laughing. Sun-bathing. Globalization. Movies. Trivia. New experiences. Cooking. Texas Hold-'em. Fashion. Jewelry. Technology. Local culture. AIDS. Rhetoric. Business.

I'd like to meet:

*Nelson Mandela * Pablo Neruda * Roald Dahl * Oprah * William Shakespeare * Zach Braff * Angelina Jolie (I want to make out with her...) * Brad Pitt (the real one, not my dog) * Bono * Houston Street * Interesting people willing to discuss life, love, literature, and other words that start with "L" *


Try me. There are few things I've heard that I would refuse to listen to again.Albums I've listened to today (12/20): Dan in Real Life Soundtrack - Sondre Lerche
Christmas - Sufjan Stevens
Some Hearts - Carrie Underwood
Sara Bareilles - Little Voice
Matt Pond - Emblem
Bedouin Soundclash - Street Gospels
Kanye West - Mixtape


There are so many, but my top movies are: Garden State. Outbreak. Seven. Ever After. The American President. Anything Disney/Pixar. Romeo and Juliet (Baz's version). Crash. Closer. Remember the Titans. Shakespeare in Love. The Birdcage. Anchorman. The 40 Year-Old Virgin. The Parent Trap (with L. Lo). The Muppets Take Manhattan. Il Postino. The Muppet Movie. Harry Potter. Notting Hill. Love Actually. Dan in Real Life.


Sex and the City. I Love Lucy. Early 90s shows (Mr. Belvedere, Saved by the Bell, Perfect Strangers, Family Matters). ER. House MD. Grey's Anatomy. Oprah. Muppet Babies. Project Runway. Boy Meets World. The Muppet Show. Law & Order. Iron Chef. Star Trek: The Next Generation. Golden Girls. How I Met Your Mother. Run's House. The Office. Scrubs.


All of the Harry Potter Books. Anything from Roald Dahl. Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood. The Great Gatsby. Ethan Frome. The Da Vinci Code. Anything Shakespeare. Of Mice and Men. The Five People You Meet in Heaven. The Little Prince.


My mommy and my grandpa and my Amy.

My Blog

January - March Top Tens

Man, I am SO behind the times!January 2008- New Years Day- The rest of the New Years Eve party... - Recognition at work- Dinner with the boss- Being the most scared EVER - I Am Legend- Meadowood! (Ama...
Posted by Maryam on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:42:00 PST

Top Twenty of 2007

(In no particular order)- Graduating from Cal!- Finish my marathon (and Las Vegas)- Surviving the hardest year of my life- New Puppy Albie!- Harry Potter Book and Movie (book release with Mike and Ros...
Posted by Maryam on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 10:26:00 PST

September - December Top Tens, 2007

September Top Eight:- Weekend in Monterey- Edward 40 Hands (in Monterey)- Canoe Trip!- FutureSex/LoveShow- Halloween! - Loving my Job- Having awesome neighbors and friends- Watching Albie GrowOctober ...
Posted by Maryam on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 10:10:00 PST


I've made my fundraising minimum thanks to those generous individuals listed below. Thank you SO much! This means SO much to me and I appreciate everyone who chose to participate. Thank you.Thank you ...
Posted by Maryam on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 04:32:00 PST

August Top Eight (it was a slow, but good month)

top eight for august:- Albie- Permanent Gap Inc. Employee!- Dinner in Dublin- 14 miler in SF- Tourney in Fremont- Dinners at home- Closure- A's game w/ everyone
Posted by Maryam on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 01:02:00 PST

July Top Ten

(in no particular order...) - Harry Potter BOOK! (Release night with the Lappins)- Harry Potter Movie!- New doggy walker- Running double digits- New job!- Daft Punk!!!!!!!!- Water Polo Junior Olympics...
Posted by Maryam on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 02:02:00 PST

1/5 of the way there!

I'm about 1/5 of the way there with my training program and with my fundraising! For those of you who don't know, I'm running the Las Vegas Marathon on December 02, 2007 to raise money for the SF AIDS...
Posted by Maryam on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 06:02:00 PST

June Top Eleven (in no order)

Even after having our house broken into, I still have (11!) good things to reflect on for June: - Giants game with Lex and the Adams- Graduation/Housewarming Party- AIDS Marathon Training Begins!...
Posted by Maryam on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 03:07:00 PST

i guess it's time...

So it's been quite some time since i've blogged about my life, and i'm sure inquiring minds are on the edge of their seat! So, here goes... Adam and I are in our new house and it's really amazing. The...
Posted by Maryam on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 02:42:00 PST

May Top Eleven!

- GRADUATING!- My new house with my best man- Wine + mulan- Graduation dinner with my family and Adam's- A's vs. Giants with my little bro, Adam and Justin- Celebratory dinner at Mezze - Surprising mo...
Posted by Maryam on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 08:33:00 PST