→Icey← profile picture


No Good Deed Goes Unpunished ⁄3

About Me

Hola my friends and random people who dropped by. Welcome to my little corner of myspace. Not much to really say. If you know me you already know a lot about me. Somethings you may not know is I like drawing, writing, (Not those darned forced essays at school.) astronomy, and I'm shutter bug happy.
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Thinking of you, wherever you are,
We pray for our sorrows to end,
And hope that are hearts will blend.
Now I step forward to realize this wish
And who knows:
Starting a new journey may not be so hard,
Or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds,
But they share the same sky-
One sky, one destiny.
Random Kingdom Hearts Icons - Total Of Seven Differant Sets.
To See The World In A Grain Of Sand
And Heaven In A Wildflower
Hold Infinity In The Palm Of Your Hand
And Eternity In An Hour.

Lol! Who ever make this rocks. xP

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Someone who would love me for me, hear every word I speak, who was eager to see everything I work on, who would stay up late simply staring into the sky, and want to randomly watch old cartoon Disney movies with me when we couldn't think of anything else we wanted to do.(My friend and I had a contest of who could write the cutest one. I think she won tho. xP)


"Erase and Rewind"

"No Matter The Warnings The Future Doesnt Scare Me At All."

"My Hearts A Battle Ground"

"A Falling Star, At Least I Fall Alone It Ends Tonight"

"Take My Love Take My Land Take Me Where I Cannot Stand I Dont Care I'm Still Free You Cant Take My Sky From Me"

"I Wanna Be Pushed Aside, So Let Me Go. Cause I Can See, The Very Worst Part Of You…Is Me"

"Put all the pain you gave to me on display But didn't realize Instead of setting it free I took what I hated and made it apart of me. And now You've become a part of me You'll always be right hereYou've become a part of me You'll always be my fear"

"Call My Name And Save Me From The Dark"


A section that is really hard to pin down. I love movies just as much or more than music. My favorites range from Legally Blond, Josie and The Pussy Cats, to the Tenth Kingdom, to Underworld, and the Matrix movies. I have a tendency to remember quotes from them very well, which I will randomly say during the day if it fits.


Without a doubt it this would be Dark Angel, Firefly and Dead Like Me. Ha. All cancelled shows xP


A Great and Terrible Beauty (2x), and Maximium Ride (2x), and the Outsiders.

My Blog

For Those Who Dont Know

    I normally dont post blogs unless something in my life changes. Sometimes its for the better, sometimes not so much. My life has hit one of those not so fun times. Since I'm going t...
Posted by →Icey← on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:59:00 PST

Sqaure Enix's New Games = <3

I recently saw trailers for: KH 2 Final Mix, FF 13, FF Versus 13, and all are amazing. Both of the Final Fantasy's are incredible, to say the very least. I would go on about them but I rather just s...
Posted by →Icey← on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 06:04:00 PST

Everything You Want

Somewhere there's speakingIt's already coming inOh and it's rising at the back of your mindYou never could get itUnless you were fed itNow you're here and you don't know whyBut under skinned knees and...
Posted by →Icey← on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:41:00 PST

There is no such thing as karma is there?

Oh  dear. How did Ann Frank do it? How the fuck am I susto do it. I would go on, but no. Just no to much issue, and takes to much fucking time. I'm a _____.  Insert your own word. ...
Posted by →Icey← on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 11:15:00 PST

Faith Sucks And Life Is A Contant Battle For Balance.

So does my desire to understand...everything.Now if you read this and are annoyed.I'm sorry.I truely and deeply am.Through the last year of events im sorry finding out who I really love and who truely...
Posted by →Icey← on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:06:00 PST

Its truely amazing and other intresting rants.

Honestly, It is truely amazing, how ones thoughts can change competely, doing a 360 degree turn around in under a week. My mind is still full of doubt dont get me wrong, but it isnt picking on it s...
Posted by →Icey← on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 06:05:00 PST

You Know What Sucks?

-Moment for all of your perverts to chuckle here- -sigh- Okey done? Good. What kind-of stinks is when my mom calls it always the same thing. -Ring- "Hello. Hello? Hello....." "Hi Tiffany." "Hi.." "H...
Posted by →Icey← on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 07:48:00 PST

Idea Stolen From Friend --- Five Statements

Frist blog,  lets give this a go.. Try This: Write five statements about five different people without saying who each statement is written about. They can either be things you wish that you cou...
Posted by →Icey← on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 10:43:00 PST