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I am here for Friends

About Me

im half Cuban half Arabic. born gain Christian. JUST GOT BACK from iraq. life's good, just chillin' going 2 school to get my x-ray tech degree and working. i love my karencita!! (soon 2B a year!)i wanna travel Europe(western).i believe in one God, and His Son Jesus Christ who died for our sins on the cross. i believe in life after death, i believe we all have free will, and that where you go after death depends on your choices here on earth. i believe we all have a specific purpose in this life, that we were all created for a reason, we just gotta seek God in order to find out that reason. & PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST!!!

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My Interests

watching movies, spending time w/ my Principesa, hanging out w/ friends, road trips, concerts, working out, traveling, military stuff, taking pictures, recording videos.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Paul, Muhammad Ali, and....???


mainly christian, rap, reggeaton, salsa, merengue, all kinds, but nothing w/ profanity or w/ a negative message.


passion of the christ, 300, transformers, kingdom of heaven, the matrix trilogy, lord of the rings trilogy, star wars, saving private ryan, napoleon dynamite, nacho libre, AND THE LIST GOES ON.


LOST, Law&Order SVU, fresh-prince of bel-air, scrubs and band of brothers.


the bible, wild at heart, the kite runner, a divine revelation of hell, brideshead revisited.


jesus/muhammad ali/superman

My Blog

The Tennage Bill of Rights!!!

It's time for us to be heard. It's time we stand up for what we believe and declare it for all. This is our proclamation. And these are our rights as a generation of doers, destined to create positive...
Posted by haisam on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 05:45:00 PST

Read this...

I have never written a blog before, I guess I just didn't have much to say or share. But this, I HAVE to (please bare w/ me, its a lilttle long). I just got done talking to a friend of mine about GO...
Posted by haisam on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 07:34:00 PST