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two day dream pass


About Me

..... whisperings. sleepy gatherings. the slightly chewed edges of sky. what calls us out. what breathes. endless elastic hiways. mudshivers. we wait, poised with our phrasebooks. a postcard at the intersection of memory and desire. a mooncrater named kepler or tycho maybe jules verne . swift shadows. things suggest other things. this plane, that light. we disembark. i dont know i'm so tired of moving from place to place. moving about as though we had apurpose. one rose on a table in the fading present. the sadness of thorns. no one here stood upright until the invention of the kodak brownie. there is a queer lightness to everything. i have a charm against drowning. handbreath. frequency rot. viva meltdown. buzz recall. oxygen nitrogen hydrogen. teeming violets. how do we maintain a form. gaze. and gaze again. heraklitos-"a wet psyche". cravings. nervous testaments. ghosts and gamblers. the invisible distance. at times the buzzing. what i mean is the hiss. the whooshing sound of things going away. descend. renegotiate. forget. erased pages. mooncrackle. quadrants. that which has and has not order. john cleeves symmes. how came you hither. from landscape to frozen landscape. the hours. night curves. loops free us from history. but history itself is a loop. just ask giambatista vico. giordano bruno. this is the inbetween time when a mountain is still a mountain. the rusted geometries . as if rainsoaked footpaths. filtering homeward. dumbstruck . breathe. dissipate . return. the bats of shortwave. photgraphs of snow. lacuna . chromolithographs. in the morning the grownups will discuss their dreams. mist rises from the movies. a sound like a clarinet. thresholds. grains. breathless at last. what comes out. what whispers.................................................... ............................................................ ................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ................................Stephen Spera is also the curator of a rediscovered museum of the curious, the strange and bizarre- "the MUSEE VACHE' " with music and video by spera--
STEPHEN SPERA ....please pay a visit as the staff gets up to no good when left to their own devices....thanks.

My Interests


Member Since: 01/07/2007
Band Website: also--
Band Members: stephen spera and a few others (secret at this time)...
Sounds Like: A ..the sadness of thorns.. B.. gaze. and gaze again.. C.. how we maintain a form.. D.. praxinoscope.. E.. know your own shadow.. F.. the cut-off parts.. G.. ravenheaded.. H.. grace. the proportions.. I.. oxygen nitrogen hydrogen.. J.. notebooks full of snow..K.. how came you hither.. L.. the halfway point.. M.. pale drowsing.. N.. tattered vespers.. O.. follow me to the border.. P.. mooncrackle.. Q.. the fading present.. R.. weightless. slanted.. S.. heaving up babylon.. T.. plasma syntax..U.. in advance of shadows.. V.. the curve of the possible.. W.. pitchsifting.. X.. as if.. Y.. the life of numbers.. Z.. things suggest other things....
CODA : sleep ripples.
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

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