Foul Jokers profile picture

Foul Jokers

About Me

MEMBERS:AlE- GuItAr,CaScI- VoCaLs E VoCaLs,NaPpO- DrUmS,NiKo- VoCaLs,PaOlo- GuItAr E VoCaLs,PuErCo- BaSs,-------------------------------------------------------

My Interests


Member Since: 7/1/2007
Band Members:
Influences: Influences?...well…The good music.. or however the music that we like! We don’t love to re-enter in one defined category, the songs that we write come to us on the moment…we pass therefore from Punk, Punk -Rock, Hard-Core and other “shadings” without limits or restrictions. The important is to put the passion and your thought in the songs, It’s clearly tat many musical kinds influence us, but we believe that’s NOT necessary to be labelled and frames in a single kind of music for being appreciates and in order to realize something of good! Rock On guys!

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Ekko la prima edizione del festival a Ravenna!!! Ingresso 2 euro e 50! Inizio ore 21:30! Spargete la voce
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Unsigned

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