.underware/knickers. g-strings. thongs. swimming. bowling. streamyX. surfing. chocolates. earth colour. ice cream. simple. sophisticated. jeans n top. beaches. choc cake!. plain water. frenster. cleo. laksa. hot stuff. makan. black. white. chilly red. dresses. simple top. mng. geget kuku. sms-ing. grandmother's ring. snaping pics. dreaming. csi. fake tatooes. frenz. laSenza. somerset bay. lepak kat bukstores. justin. high heels. coffee bean. deep purple colour.
.everyone who r fun n kinda fun n lotza fun n surely fun. people who can make me laugh till tears. one who r willing to share my laughter n tears. people who dun misjudge me.lastly,of coz human,both genders. :)
.im universal. not picky in music. i listen to everything.
.any muve. comedy. love. thrill. action. romance. fairy tale. naughty. u name it :)
.csi . fear factor. e!. naked chef. discovery home n health.
.i dun like reading books honestly but i hv to since im studying literature. any john grisham's novels. cleo. cosmopolitan. female. women's weekly. hot. intrend. times.
.my dearest parents. tun dr mahathir mohamad.