So. My other myspace was deleted, so whatevs. I found this old ass one, so I guess its time to start anew.
I'm in a good mood. I hate cleaning, doing laundry, working out, paying bills, being broke, working 40+ hours a week. I love eating, creating, laughing, traveling, being with loved people, listening to music. Basically I'm not a good adult. Which is fine. Sue me.
I know you real good, oh.
I make t-shirts and stuff. Dirty Kids Designs. Top 8. Go.
I have some of the all time greatest people in my life. I can't figure out where I'll be in year. And I can't quite figure out what I'm going to be when I grow up. Except be a mom. I'll be one of those someday. I kind of see the sychronicity thing. Its the dawning of a new era. People consciously don't care, how unfair.
In the quickness of our haste it seems we forget how to live.
Lets end it on this. Its over.