mopandglow dave profile picture

mopandglow dave

It's all about the women .. 'Cause, ya know, they

About Me

Well, if you ask right now, it's almost midnight ..and that's late man .. cause, well, I've gotta be up early for the DQ shoes. Yeah, they go along w/ the costumes that look like Ice Cream cones. But that's .. ya know, just some of the stuff that ships out .. Terry .. he can tell you about all the stuff on the list of stuff that has to go today. ... well OK, so if you need anything else .. just let me know .. well, yeah .. OK ..

My Interests

Cars, .. for sure .. the, Automobile, has always been something that always changes .. the 79 monte carlo looks nothing like the new ones man .. . .. that's cause they changed the look to make it sell to, the younger crowd now .. that's what they're into .. the new carved look ..... I did go to see YES in concert .. that was .. well, around .. 1982 I guess .. gas was around .. 'well .. under a dollar .. so yeah .. that was in '82 .. cause after that .. well .. the gas went to over a dollar ten a gallon.... but yeah .. that show was .. yeah ... really ... they had all the new lights ..... but those, well they, burn brighter than normal light bulbs .. that's because the were the first ones to use the halogeon bulb ...... which was brighter .. but that wasn't used in cars till around 1991.

I'd like to meet:

well .. jeez .. probably anyone within 5 feet that'll strike up a conversation .. because you know that .. well .. pizza is more expensive in Canada because of the meat tax ..... the meat tax, yeah .. that really changes the price of .. well, meat products all around Canada ..... and in Canada .. they say the health care is cheaper ... but then of course there's the weather there that affects their growing season .... the corn only lasts about 6 weeks there .. but that's why they freeze it .. but then it gets real easy to freeze things that shouldn't, be, frozen when it gets that cold ...


Zepplin man .. they were .. well ya know .. they had, the early part of the 80's locked up w/ .. and ... well there was Starship ..and then .. well, they went to Jefferson Starship .. then Jefferson Airplane .. or was Starship last?.. then there was .. well, Speedwagon and then .. well, Van Halen ... well they killed it until .. ya know, they had that .. sammy hagar thing happen.... still waiting on those guys to come around ... but the radio stations .. some of them still play the old songs .. that's what you have to figure out on the new cars now .. they've got the digital radios ..


... we only get those on the VHS tapes now . but they've got the DVD .... those are digital .. but they take that special tape player .. and the cable system ... well, they've got the pay per view .. and that .. well it only charges you when you actually order the movie ...


.. the T V, .. that's where .. well .. the news .. yeah that comes on at six ... and sometimes .. at five. .. sometimes the T V has .. well .. those other programs .. but, you can tape those on the VCR .. cause, that's what it's for ..




.. Spiderman .. cause he had those, .. well, crazy webs .. yeah .. he used those to get around... AND then there was ALF .. he was .. I guess kind off an alien .. but ALF man .. he was .. yeah ...