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I am here for Friends

About Me

I was born 2/2/65 in the Sunraysia district and always lived on the Murray and Darling rivers.In primary school i was living in Nichols Point Vic and in Pomona NSW during High School. Even though we were isolated we were never bored. In Primary school there were always plenty of friends to go bike riding, yabbing, fishing or just a picnic in the scrub around us. We were there for two floods one which cut off one of the roads in. In high school it was much the same but we were living in a town which was not on the map and had about a hundred poeple there. It was an hour to school on the bus and about 20 mins away from a small supermarket. We lived in the river fishing yabbing, swimming, canoeing, and Skiing in the rivers. We had our push bikes and motor bikes and could drive every tractor on the property. We only had one comercial tv station and ABC and a couple of radio stations, no shops so we hardly seen papers or magazines. I went to form 5 and then trained as a State Enrolled Nurse and nursed in a few different hospitals.I married in 1987 and we have four children and brought in Mildura itself. Our eldest is now 19 the youngest is 12. Becouse of the kids i have done so many different things through thier school and sporting interests
She is Electric

She is Electric Blogs - Danny Marx Young & The Aztecs - Somebody Left Me Crying - Danny Marx Young

Great live Aussie music Enjoy

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Any interesting people

My Blog

Photo’s in the My Photo’s folder

Hi all, i have posted new photo's in My Photo folder. They are of the Mallee sunset over the salt lake on there already. As i found out the hard way it was only firm ground so far in. trouble is i was...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 03:34:00 GMT

Re : nice and hot

Lovely, we have just hit 40 and still rising at 3.30 pm. God only knows how much water it is taking to run the air cons. Any donations of rain greatly appreciated Cheers Kim
Posted by on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 20:29:00 GMT

Cute , fluffy chicken

There is a new folder in my photo's named flora and faune It has an updated photo of our newly hatched chickens and some of the other little critters around the house Cheers Kim
Posted by on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 15:20:00 GMT