< About Me>
then ask me whats it like to have
myself so figured out.
i wish i knew.. i kinda love this guy
he's a cutie!!
< To achieve in 2008 >
♥ keep positive.
♥ get my ps.
♥ get a job i'm happy with.
♥ stops saying things and actually do them.
♥ be more social.
♥ hold no grudges and regret nothing!
♥ find someone special.
♥ fucking have fun!
♥ start my tattoos.
♥ finish my piercings.
< hiptop >
[email protected]lets talk.
< Reasons I might not add you >
* no message before add.
* a terribly boring message. First impressions count so make a good one and say something interesting.
* no photo.
* an ugly photo.
* having a private profile.
* sending me a seedy message. NO! I don't want your "toy" in my "box" fuck off.
* terrible spelling. I don't wanna talk to someone who can't spell to save their life.
* having a shit profile this include profiles full of quizzes; bad spelling and general all over the place messy-ness.
* being a guy; because I'm taken.
* you're a dumb band add. No thanks I can't hear your music on my hiptop therefore I couldn't care less about you.
* being a general stereotype. Goths. Lads. Wogs. I find you all disgusting.
* lastly you probably didn't get far enough into my profile to read this and realise your wasting mine and your time trying to add me. But go ahead and amuse me dumbfucks cause even if your none of that shit I probably still won't add you.
dear tash;