HAI! I'm Maggie.
I'm pretty weird
theres a really nice girl at my work
and everybody thinks she's cool and she
never does anything mean to anyone
and today i thought to myself,
i wonder what everyone would do if i hit
her with a glass bottle?
I don't know where these thoughts come from!!
get outta my headddd
and theres this other time I made myself laugh
because I thought of two people standing in an
elevator and one person turns to other and whispers
"I hate yew"hahahaa It still makes me laugh. I dont know why.
My little sister's name is grace. I like to call her
many things.... mainly dipshit and dumbass
but we know deep down inside, her eternal name
is Squirrel.
i hate squirrels. They always steal my numinas
(conversation with impressionable 9 year old
child... this really happened)
Child: Maggie... what is numinas?
Maggie: It is what everyone wants.
Child: But... but what does everyone want?
Maggie: Why child, everyone wants numinas.
Child: But what is numinas?
Maggie: What everyone wants...
(continues on... child becomes fearful and confused.)
The end?