People call him Mick. In December 2006, He stole a bicycle in Allston. The bike was "free-locked" to itself and attached to a bicycle trailer. He Came across it between 3 and 7 AM, the morning of December 24th, Christmas Eve. He detached it from the trailer and carried it away. He later attempted to get the lock off but his attempts were unsuccessful. He stripped the bike of all but the frame, crank set, and the front wheel. He threw these remaining parts in the trash after roughly six months. Someone He knows was walking by the same trash and picked up the parts and brought them home to his house. A friend of the owner of the bike came to that house on a night Mick was there as well and he proclaimed that he knew whose bike it was.
Mick told him that he stole that bike. Mick also told him a long story about how he was not the original thief of this bike but he was willing to pay for the damages because he's a nice guy and he knows how it feels to have a bike stolen. He met with the person he stole the bike from and agreed to pay him what his bike was worth. The payment plan was to begin on Friday the 30th of June.
He has since neglected to pay and will not return the owner's phone calls or any of his other attempts to reach Mick. The person that Mick stole from does not wish violence to fall on him. Rather, he desires a peaceful resolution accompanied by a commitment to character change.