dj_ DVS* profile picture

dj_ DVS*

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi, my name is Ed. I guess the first thing about me that you should know is I don't like writing about myself. What's to know except that I'm pretty laid back, don't talk to people I don't know, and I'm down for family and friends. I have my ups and downs just like everybody else. Still learning about life,where my destiny lies, and how to improve as a person one day at a time. When it comes to my hobbies, I'm a jack of all trades, but a master at none. I enjoy a lot of different things, but one of my favorite hobbies is dj'ing whether it be scratching or mixing. That pretty much covers everything about me without being overly descriptive or too vague. So how about it, do I sound like someone one your friends list? ;)

My Interests

Djing, Turntablism, Import Cars, High Tech Gadgets, Females, Movies, Business, Life Experiences THAT DON'T KILL YOU, Travel,Cultures, Gaming, Body Boarding, B-Boying, Mountain Biking, Paintball, Chess, Photography, Useless Information

I'd like to meet:

Whoever fate leads me too, but that's all up to you if you wanna be one of them click add now


Hip Hop (85-98 and some contemporary stuff) Electronica (Faithless, Jon the Dentist, Tidy Traxx, System F,Titchy Bitch, etc) Breakbeat (Dj Icey, Rennie Pilgrem, TCR, Terminalhead, Plump DJ's) Chillout * Lounge some Reggae Alternative (Smashing Pumpkins, Bush, Metallica, some Linkin Park) New Wave


Star Wars Episodes Ong Bak The Last Samurai Cheech & Chong films(YOu know the 6 I'm talking about) Oceans 12 Garden State Kevin Smith's Films Payback Lord of the Rings Trilogy Matrix Trilogy Fight Club Not Another Teen Movie Akira Casino Scarface Die Hard Trilogy Indiana Jones Trilogy The Italian Job Fear and Loathing Las Vegas Carlito's Way Empire Ninja Scroll Better Luck Tomorrow Lost Boys License to Drive Monster Squad 3 o'clock High The Beachand many,many, many, many, many, many more.


Tech TV, The History Channel, Discovery Channel, Comedy Central, CNN, MTV, VH1, and Trivia Gameshows


Machiavelli's The Prince, The Buddha of Suburbia, The Big Book of Buds, The Odyessey, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Instructional manuals


My Parents, Ed Rosenthal, Arjan, Dj Qbert, Gary Kasparov, Kainoa McGee, The lifeguard that saved my ass from drowning when I was 8, Quest for Madness, and all my friends that helped me get to where I am today. The list is very long, distinguished, and extremely hard to list without missing anyone.