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I am here for Friends

About Me

HeLLo pPle.. JuNhAo iS 16 yRs oLd, cUrreNtLy sIngLe (cOz hE iS a gAY). haHA, nOw sTuDyiNg in JiNtAi s.S, hOpEs tO eNtEr NgEe AnN pOLY nExt yR.... EnJoYs pLaYiNg bBALL, aLthOUgHt hE iS nOt vErY gOod aT iT. hE lIkeS to bOaSt aRoUnd and sHoW oFf hiS bBaLL sKiLLs (eSpEciaLLy whEn theRe r gALs aRoUNd!), hE wILl wOrK hArDeR tO iMprOvE hIs sKiLLs. HiS BbALL hOme iS at AyEr RaJaH cc, cHAllEnGers R "nOt" wELcOme (hE is tOo lOusy to aCcePt any!).... LaStly, hE deScrIbE hImsElf aS eViL, cUNniNg, bOaStfUL and a tHrEe-tImeR! (GALs BeWarE oF hIm hor!)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Michael Jordan (my heRO!) , Tracy Mcgrady, LeBron James, Nicholas Tse, Jay Zhou