yu see diz g.l.o.k boy movement iz simple you see; qrimee niqqasz out in diz bitch fina conquer da world wid slapz you aint never heard before; . mentality we conquer dat. versatility we major dat. lyrical abilitiesz we holdin dat title. niqqaz wid mind setz of qrown men. see we qrown men; creatinq a change and a different style how reqular niqqaz bring dey shit to da table.
G.L.O.K --
Gettin . Lotz . Of . KakE all damnn day;
spittin dat raw shit; dat fa-lameon. dat FiRE. while still stackin hella chipz ; scrapin big whipz. jukin on big tripz ! get wid diz shit or get swindyy; !
Wana know much more bout deze HOT ASZ NiqqasZ // hit uz up fast like zoom ... O N E ™