T I N A and Mia xxx profile picture

T I N A and Mia xxx

I am here for Friends

About Me

Embrace life, dont wait for life to embrace you. Ask and it will be given! The old saying 'be careful what you wish for because wishes come true'.Have dreams and always have a focus. Imagine the world without dreams and their dreamers. What a colourless world that would be! Every thought bears a seed which will grow. If we all had peaceful thoughts the world would be different to what it is now. I now train my mind to create wonderful beautiful peaceful thoughts. Each day i become more aware of what i am thinking and saying so as not to pollute myself and our world. It is a difficult task though if we all become more aware of this then im certain things will improve not only in our own lives but also help heal our world.What has our world become? Money, junk foods and stress!?Life an open book oh my god when is it really going to start!! Of course it has started already hasnt it? Its not the happy fairytale i thought it was going to be thats for sure. I think it is good to have a dream or dreams because they can manifest into reality. I realise it is a difficult time in the world today to think about ourselves with so many aggravations going on around us. We can of course do something towards helping. We can believe that our world (planet mother earth)will heal.To believe that things will get better. If we persist to stay in the negative then nothing is going to get better!Positive and peaceful thoughts will manifest and help. You could dream a beautiful peaceful vision for 5 minutes a day and it WILL help.Then, after that concentrate on some dreams for you. I write the storys of my life because it can only be me that makes my life the way it is or can be. God plays a part of course he does, he leaves us the choices, the opportunitys and shows us the many doorways. Our thoughts, actions and words we speak determine which doorway we choose.For an example,if we choose to have sadness in our lives then that doorway will most definately enter into a world of sadness and attract sadness in all areas of your life. You can of course change this around by changing one thought into "i attract happiness into my life" etc etc. Words are powerful things! Always be mindful of what you speak and think to yourself and others. Train your mind to create wonderful beautiful peaceful thoughts and meditate daily if you can.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

We are all magical beings its just many of us dont realise that. We all have the ability to change and to change things around. Id like to meet you all because each and everyone of us has the potential to dream and create beautiful peaceful thoughts. We dont have to be perfect because neither of us are, we can just be aware. Awareness however big or small makes a difference. If one day everything has been lousy and it has all been hoplessly negative dont give up! Just remember we all have days like that!

My Blog

What is your vision of heaven?

What is your vision of heaven?I believe i will go to heaven when i leave earth. I believe everybody can get into heaven if they believe they can. My heaven is a place that i can only dream of. My heav...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 18:23:00 GMT

Im a Mother

I felt compelled to write this so here it is! Being a Mother is one of the hardest things to be. Im not talking about the messiness of our young ones or the daily chores around them, im expr...
Posted by on Mon, 26 May 2008 17:16:00 GMT


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Posted by on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 10:19:00 GMT