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Lonchen Rabjampa (1308 - 1364)
Teachers: Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje; Gyalse Lekden; Rigdzin Kumaradza. And Guru Padmasambhva and Yeshe Tsogyal through visions.
Incarnations: Pema Lingpa.
Reincarnation of Pema Ledrel Sal and Princess Pema Sal.
Lineage Holders: Jigme Lingpa through visions.
Teachings: The Seven Treasures; Nyingtik Yabshi. See also the Longchen Nyinthik by Jigme Lingpa.
Samantabhadra/Samantabhadri: Kuntuzangpo/Kuntuzangmo. The Primordial Buddha – Male/Female. The source of the Nyingma Lineage.
Garab Dorje: The first human lineage holder. Compiled the Dzogchen/Ati teachings into 6,400,000 slokas.
Majushrimitra: Student of Garab Dorje. Codified the semde, longde, and mengakde.
Shri Singha: Student of Manjushrimitra.
Jnanasutra: Student of Shri Singha.
Vimalamitra: Student of Shri Singha and Jnanasutra. Transmitted the semde, longde, mengakde. Brought buddhism to Tibet. Source of the Kama Lineage in Tibet, which is the long lineage transmitted from teacher to student in an unbroken line from Vimalamitra down to Longchenpa and beyond. Source of the Vima Nyingtik. Attained rainbow body. Lives at Five-Peaked mountain in China. Contemporary of Padmasambhava. Khenpo Naga was his emanation.
Padmasambhava: Student of Shri Singha. Also know as Guru Rinpoche. Established buddhism in Tibet. Transmitted the mengakde. Source of the Terma Lineage (the lineage of discovered treasure teachings hidden by Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal for future generations). Author of the Pema Khandro Nyinthik. Lives in Zangdokpalri. Contemporary of Vimalamitra. Born eight years after the Buddha's parinirvana. Predicted by the Buddha.
Vairochana: Student of Shri Singha. Brought Buddhism to Tibet. Translator. Holder of the semde and longde. Contemporary of Padmasambhava.
Yeshe Tsogyal: Main student of Padmasambhava. She is equal to Padmasambhava in realization. Manifestation of Saraswati. Hid the terma teachings for future generations.
Trisong Detsun: Student of Padmasambhava. King of Tibet. Built Samye monastery.
Princess Pema Tsal: Student of Padmasambhava. Daughter of King Trisong Detsun. Holder of the Pema Khandro Nyingtik. Later reborn as Longchenpa.
The Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284 – 1339); One of Longchenpa’s teachers. Realized and received all of the teachings and transmission of the Nyingma Lineage in vision of Vimalamitra and Padmasambhava. Author of the Karma Nyingtik. Unified the Kagyu Mahamudra and Nyingma Dxogchen/Ati.
Rigdzin Kumaradza: Holder of the Kama Lineage passed down from Vimalamitra. Teacher of Longchenpa.
Pema Ledrel Tsal: Khandro Nyingtik. Terton and incarnation of Princess Pema Tsal.
Gyalse Lekden: Received the Khandro Nyingtik from Pema Ledrel Tsal. Khandro Nyingtik. Teacher of Longchenpa.
Longchenpa (1308 – 1363): Also called Longchen Rabjam; Author of the Zabmo Yangtik. Author of the Lama Yangtik (a commentary on the Vima Nyingtik). Author of the Khandro Yangtik ( a commentary on the Khandro Nyingtik). Author of Longchenpa’s Seven Treasures. Vision of Saraswati. Taught the Nyingma view with absolute clarity.
Jigme Lingpa (1730 – 1798): Had visions of Longchenpa. Received transmissions from him. Discovered the Longchen Nyingtik.

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