Reading, Writing, Movies, Music, Things That Keep Me From Being Bored, Talking, Driving Aimlessly In The Dark, Goats, Photography, New Software, Edvard Munch, Sunrises, Science, Red Blurry Hour, People, Military, My Zoo, Law Enforcement, Foreign Accents, Humor, Robin Williams, Billiards, Frogs, Tiny Martini Bars, Freaking Out, Making People Laugh, Rum, My Nephew's Little League/Soccer Games (When In Season), Myriad Other Things....
I'd like to meet:
I really wanna hang out with that guy from How to Deal. And the chick from Freaky Friday. And I dunno why, but ever since I was little I always wanted to be best friends with Tom Cruise. When I was bored in class I would hope, in vain, that he would drive up in his limo (with the license plate that said "TOP GUN") and pull me outta class and take me somewhere interesting. Or for ice cream. Either way is good.
Seriously: One former member of The Goons Army , if I'm ever lucky enough for him to grace my path again. Michael J. Fox. Houdini. Tony Kushner. My Father.
As far as this site goes, just make me laugh. Which means if you TyPe LiKe tHiS or find it amusing to be generally irritating to everyone around you, I'll pass. If you read (I mean books...without pictures), or if you're bored off your ass, try me. I'm also in need of a lonely person with numerous assests and a weak but generous heart... =P
Country, Alternative, Rock, Pop, Punk, Disney, Hawaii'an, Swing, Japanese (I love the koto), Easy Listening (that's where Sinatra and Ray Charles live, right?), Blues......if I name actual artists I'll be here forever and so will you if you read it.
I like supporting good local bands, and friends in bands. Small concerts are fun. Frankie's band ( Roachklip ) plays stuff with drums and trumpets with a ska/punk/reggae twist..sometimes...It really doesn't fit any one place; just go listen 'cause he has clips up there. Roachklip released an album a bit ago, so check that out. :) And Chris' band ( Big Papa & the TCB ) plays blues that I absolutely love. And they'll release an album soon, but you should definitely see them before that. Honestly, I'd support them even if I didn't have a special fondness for certain members. Also be sure to check out Hobo Jazz , because they sound good and are a helluva lot of fun to see live. Aimee Allen rocks! When she comes out with her album, she'll take over the whole damn world. Devil Doll has a great voice - something like molasses; sweet and heavy - with an interesting mix of styles that actually sound good together. Yes, I pimp out bands/artists I like! :)
Dream for an Insomniac, 50 First Dates, Defending Your Life, The Birdcage, Sleeping Beauty, American Beauty, Under the Tuscan Sun, Angels in America (play turned HBO film), Garden State, The Sword in the Stone, How to Deal, Spaceballs, Howard the Duck, Dogma, Mr. Destiny, Anything with John Cusack, Anything by Spielburg, Anything with Robin Williams, A Walk in the Clouds, Eternal Sunshine in a Spotless Mind, A Walk to Remember, The Chipmunk Adventure, Pirates of the Caribbean. Some Girl....a million more. I love cartoons and I have a special fondness for B-rated movies. I think I own more B-rated movies :)
Fairly Odd Parents, Teen Titans, The Family Guy, The Critic, The Simpsons, Gilmore Girls, Friends, People's Court, [adult swim], Made, CSI, Spike, The West Wing, Law & Order...Mostly cartoons, crime dramas, court TV, and cheesy shows on the WB. I'm home and we have no cable, so I don't watch most of the stuff I like...I'm finding myself less and less interested in TV these days. But I've been told I should watch the news to know what's going on in the world around me...I'm still deciding whether or not that's a good thing.
TONY KUSHNER is fucking awesome! Much of Edgar Allen Poe, Winter Moon, Desperation, Needful Things, The Grass Is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank, The Reluctant Dragon, The Green Mile, Crow Lake, Misfits, Coloring Books, If Life is a Bowl of Cherries What Am I Doing in the Pits?, The Gates of the Forest, The Phantom Tollbooth, The Boy Who Reversed Himself, The Giver, 1984, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, Hypochondriac's Handbook (with a washable cover), The Curious Incident with the Dog in the Nighttime, The Chronicles of Narnia. Right now I'm reading "Silence" by Shusaku Endo, a translated novel about a small section of the history of Christianity in Japan, arguably based on fact. I'm fairly picky about my fiction, even the kid's books. I don't read non-fiction, but I write it. And I'm very picky about poetry; it's a subjective art.
My mom, Danny Lee, Joshua Michael Rowe, Frankie, Scott, and Ryan. Military, law enforcement, fire fighters, and anyone who puts their own skin on the line for someone else. Anyone who doesn't give in or up; who not only survive, but thrive when the odds are against them. And Robin Williams. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. ~
Martin Luther King, Jr. And yes, I have actual reasons for everyone on this list. BUT Chris said I'm HIS hero, so yay me. :)