Sunshine Ray profile picture

Sunshine Ray

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

found this plain layout at HOT
Have to have patience here, I don't know http . I am limited in my abilities or time physically to be able to do anything on line or off. So I hope to have this page set up better soon.>
The picture of me with 2 wheelchairs taken several years back, will cause people to assume many things that may or may not be true and have found that even meeting people in person )(ok the pic is changed and you will still assume things). I have greatly worsened since then due to lack of medical care. Since I got Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Fibromyalgia (FM), Multiple Chemical Sensitivies (MCS) in 1991, also diagnosed with Hep C in 1994, brain/body damaged from shrinks up to 2003/2004 from prescribed medications from phychiatrists who said my ME was phychiatric, misdiagnosed me, even thou in 1998 declared Organic illness in Alberta Supreme Court, and in 2004 in Ontario, a Neurological/Immune illness dignostic code 795. People I have internacted with since, or met, most still didn't "listen" or even "see", "understand" and perceived from only their own life experiences. None of my brain/body damage exists on my medical records, which have also been falsified and I am being denied any medical care.
I am interested in people who have empathy, care about the rights of all on mother earth, while my focus at present is meeting people interested in human and medical rights, while still trying to attain my own at present, with an emphasis on Canadians and people who help other people with patience and tolerance and love.
My activism started in my teens, as a hippie, freedom for Pot, Women's Rights, and non-conservatism. From there, there were side steps, then Rape Victims, and then to the Homeless, Africa, Sponsoring my first child/family there (I am sponsoring my 2nd now for 11 years), Children on the Street, GLBT, HIV/AIDS, Tenants Rights, Immigrants Rights, ME/FM/MCS Rights, Big Tobacco/Quitting Smoking Site. Now Medical Rights (Big Pharma/Patient Privacy/ Doctors,Hosptiasl,Psychiatry, Government Transparency), including my own rights are prescendent, which I hope with some help will have more affirmative actions formed. I have tried many already and being purposely isloated by my own government and medical profession to protect their so called integrity, regardless of the damage they have done, or to how many and getting the treatment I am being denied which will be my main focus.
I am also interested in the arts, photography, writing, nature, water, music, internet, reading when able and greatly miss the ability to read books as I was an avid reader (internet easier for some reason),the outdoors, canoeing and camping under the stars, feels closer to God.
For now in My Space I will support those causes that are dear to me, that at present I am not able to alot the time needed to each, this includes environmental and animals as well. I became a vegitarian and vegan may be on the menu in the future when I get proper supportive homecare & wheelchair accessable housing. I am also a stauch supporter Against the Canadian Seal Hunt (except for Inuit). Please go to the Petitions/site Banners posted on my space(not all of them are hyperlinked yet) and some of my friend sites which I support. I do not "support or belong" to any religion, thou I have friends from all. I am a spirt soul in a human body. I have cognitive as well as physical limitations (many days I can barely type, you will see lots of typo's, those that get to know me learn to read throu them :), and my challenges as I am able to progress through them here and hopefully at lighting speed when I get the neurlogical medical treatment and care I need which presently I am continue to be denied.
I leave you with the 45 minute documentary FIRST DO NO HARM, by the CBC, that shows how the Canadian medical system does not work for Patients/Victims lives.
Abraham: Rampage of Invincibility - Esther & Jerry Hicks
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We will not go down (Song for Gaza)

This is a song of hope for the Palestinians in Gaza, composed and performed by Michael Heart Copyright 2009.
George Galloway Speaks in Toronto by Video 1of5

George Galloway Speaks in Toronto by Video 2of5
George Galloway Speaks in Toronto by Video 3of5
George Galloway Speaks in Toronto 4of5
George Galloway Speaks in Toronto by Video 5of5

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George Galloway Speaks in Toronto by Video 5of5
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 18:42:00 GMT

George Galloway Speaks in Toronto 4of5
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 18:41:00 GMT

George Galloway Speaks in Toronto by Video 3of5
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 18:40:00 GMT

George Galloway Speaks in Toronto by Video 2of5
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 18:40:00 GMT

George Galloway Speaks in Toronto by Video 1of5
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 18:35:00 GMT


Broadcast Galloway's live speech in your town or city.George Galloway has personally committed to deliver a live, original, interactive speech to each of the four cities where he's scheduled to speak ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Mar 2009 10:06:00 GMT


Do your part to bring on the Coalition Gov't!A coalition government gives voice to the 61.2% of Canadians who did not vote conservative in this past election!Toronto Rally: Sat. Dec. 6, noon - City Ha...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Dec 2008 14:38:00 GMT

Robert Plant agrees to join Led Zeppelin for reunion | The Sun |Showbiz|Music Plant agrees to join Led Zeppelin for reunion | The Sun |Showbiz|Music ROCK legends LED ZEPPELIN are set for a reunion tour after singer ROB...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 13:46:00 GMT


Michael Moore's Slacker Uprising Movie, free watch or download as of tonight sept23/08
Posted by on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:18:00 GMT


I am on a mission, slowly but surely I am getting there. Actually there are 2 missions. Some more than glaring hints are on my messy profile. and hope to be posting in more detail what they are and pr...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 16:25:00 GMT