Anna's Man♥ profile picture

Anna's Man♥

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Background from Yahoo search resultI've been up and down and around n round and back again, and I've been so many places I can't remember where or when. And my only boss was the clock on the wall and my only friend never really was a friend at alli've traded love for pennies, sold my soul for less lost my ideals in that long tunnel of time I've turned inside out and 'round about and back and then found myself right back where I started again.Once I had myself a million, now I've only got a dime. The difference don't seem quite as big today. With a nickel or a million I was searchin all the time for something that I'd never lost or left behind.i've traded love for pennies, sold my soul for less lost my ideals in that long tunnel of time I've turned inside out and 'round about and back and then found myself right back where I started again.Now I'm in my second circle and I'm heading for the top I learned alot of things along the way, I'll be careful while I'm climbing cause it hurts alot to drop and when you're down, nobody gives a damn anyway.I've traded love for pennies, sold my soul for less lost my ideals in that long tunnel of time and I've turned inside out and 'round about and back and then found myself right back where I started again.

My Interests

Music, Blacksmithing, Religion, the paranormal,Poetry, Camping, Biking, and life in general.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone else that would like to use me as an ego boost when they're feeling lonely.


BNL, Arogant worms, Matchbox20 Marcy Playground....and well anything with music and words...and classical....


Zombie Movies all the way, in my eyes there has never been a bad zombie movie... no matter how bad they were lol


Ghost Hunters, the occasional IFC movie, and Top Gear on BBC


Poe rocks, a little fantasy here and there, Religious texts.... anything with lots of words n stuff in it


My father's father, and anyone I happen to witness actively upholding any of the Ideals I believe in.

My Blog

A public, private appology

It’s an easy thing to apologize for something you know you shouldn’t have done. It’s also easy to do something you shouldn’t have done. The part that’s not easy, is get...
Posted by Anna's Mane on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 07:09:00 PST

an eventually long free writing

Most people, early in life, will subconsiously create an ’ultimate image’ of themselves.  Not necessarily an imagined state of superiority, but simply a definition of themselves as th...
Posted by Anna's Mane on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 08:50:00 PST

The End to all Sorrow!!

Att. All lonely seekers of love.Honesty, Trust, and RespectThat is all.
Posted by Anna's Mane on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:01:00 PST

It’s time for a new blog

It's been so long since I've done anything but check messages and make an occasional reply that I didn't notice how messed up myspace has gotten, took about 4 tries to finally get into my blog and be ...
Posted by Anna's Mane on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST

Just One Poem

..> ..> I don't want to write anymore   I could write a thousand poems this day, some of sorrow and some of pain some for the good things that went away. some with rhymes or simple prose, o...
Posted by Anna's Mane on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 02:03:00 PST

Music to remember to

Just felt like typing down the names of songs that remind me of some of my freinds and the good old times, and a tidbit on why they remind me of them.   I plan on updating this later, but for now...
Posted by Anna's Mane on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 10:49:00 PST

Hey Hey it's my Birthday

Experiences I enjoyed and some I didn't this year: Loved and lost (seems to happen every year, lol, but hey so many good times Sarah.  Thanks for all of em) Nawlins' for almost Mardi Gras' week (...
Posted by Anna's Mane on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 02:14:00 PST

A letter to everyone

Aight, so it's Three o'clock in the  Fin morning... like it always is at this time, and I'm sitting here listening for a monitor to make noise (though I know it won't for at least another six hou...
Posted by Anna's Mane on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 01:05:00 PST

Good song guys check out the artist

No I can't forget this evening, or your face as you were leaving, but I guess that's just the way the story goes.  you always smile but in eyes your sorrow show's... yes it shows. No I can't forg...
Posted by Anna's Mane on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 09:28:00 PST

Life... you know you live it

I had a thought tonight...and I managed to keep it (go figure) I think almost everyone has forgotten what living really is...   First off...any of the religions we know today weren't created unti...
Posted by Anna's Mane on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 09:02:00 PST